R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-160-5
There is established a five-year (5) pay-for-success pilot program to be administered by the Rhode Island executive office of health and human services. The pilot will follow the proposal outlined in the 2016 pay-for-success grant proposal to HUD and 2017 feasibility study. The pay-for-success project will provide a housing and supportive services intervention (PSH) for one hundred twenty-five (125) persons in Rhode Island experiencing homelessness who are high utilizers of the healthcare and justice systems. The pilot program will leverage eight hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($875,000) of HUD/DOJ grant funds. Contract agreements with the executive office of health and human services pursuant to this chapter shall not exceed one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) per fiscal year or six million dollars ($6,000,000) in the aggregate over the five (5) years of the pilot program, as determined by the department; provided, no agreements shall be entered by the department after July 1, 2026, without further authorization by the general assembly.
R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-160-5