- Section 40-6-1 - Short title - "Public assistance" and "department" defined
- Section 40-6-2 - Purpose
- Section 40-6-3 - General public assistance
- Section 40-6-3.1 - Eligibility for general public assistance
- Section 40-6-3.2 - Form of assistance
- Section 40-6-3.3 - [Repealed]
- Section 40-6-3.4- 40-6-3.6 - [Repealed]
- Section 40-6-3.7 - Local welfare offices
- Section 40-6-3.8 - [Repealed]
- Section 40-6-3.9 - [Repealed]
- Section 40-6-3.10 - Funeral and burial expenses
- Section 40-6-3.11 - "Dependent child" defined
- Section 40-6-3.12 - Enteral nutrition products
- Section 40-6-4 - [Repealed]
- Section 40-6-4.1 - Ineligibility for aid or assistance commitment to training school or adult correctional institutions
- Section 40-6-5 - [Repealed]
- Section 40-6-5.1 - [Repealed]
- Section 40-6-5.2 - Cashing of AFDC, GPA checks
- Section 40-6-5.3 - [Repealed]
- Section 40-6-6 - Authorization to pay assistance
- Section 40-6-7 - [Repealed]
- Section 40-6-7.1 - Expanded eligibility for pregnant women and young children
- Section 40-6-7.2 - Presumptive eligibility for pregnant women
- Section 40-6-8 - Supplemental nutrition assistance program (snap)
- Section 40-6-8.1 - Prohibited uses of electronic benefit transfer cards
- Section 40-6-8.2 - Establishment of retail snap incentives pilot program
- Section 40-6-9 - Assignment and subrogation for recovery of child, spousal and medical support rights
- Section 40-6-9.1 - Data matching - Health care coverages
- Section 40-6-10 - Effects of assistance on receipt of workers' compensation benefits
- Section 40-6-11 - Report of income by recipients
- Section 40-6-12 - Records as to assistance
- Section 40-6-12.1 - Warrants - Release of information
- Section 40-6-13 - Appeals - Hearings
- Section 40-6-14 - Assistance not assignable - Exemption from process
- Section 40-6-15 - Fraudulently obtaining assistance
- Section 40-6-16 - Fraudulent use of food stamps
- Section 40-6-17 - Receipt and use of federal funds
- Section 40-6-18 - Agreements with other states
- Section 40-6-19 - Complainant in actions to invoke penalties
- Section 40-6-20 - Prosecution of criminal actions
- Section 40-6-21 - Child support - Income tax refund offset
- Section 40-6-21.1 - Voluntary acknowledgement of paternity - Hospital-based program
- Section 40-6-21.2 - Child medical support garnishment - State income tax offset
- Section 40-6-22 - Disclosure of information - Penalty
- Section 40-6-23 - Release of wage and earnings information
- Section 40-6-24 - Recipient not deemed pauper
- Section 40-6-25 - Rules and regulations
- Section 40-6-26 - Severability
- Section 40-6-27 - Supplemental security income
- Section 40-6-27.1 - Supplementary cash assistance program for severely disabled and elderly residents
- Section 40-6-27.2 - Supplementary cash assistance payment for certain supplemental security income recipients
- Section 40-6-28 - Interim cash assistance for people who are disabled
- Section 40-6-29 - Health care benefits - employers - discrimination against public assistance recipients