R.I. Gen. Laws § 40-5.2-35
For any month in which a noncustodial parent makes a child support payment in the month when due and the support is collected by the department of human services, for a child or children receiving cash assistance pursuant to this chapter, the first fifty dollars ($50.00) of the child support payment, or the actual amount of the child support payment if the payment is less than fifty dollars ($50.00), shall be paid to the family in which the child resides. If more than one noncustodial parent makes a child support payment to children living in the same family, there shall only be one payment of fifty ($50.00) paid to the family from the child support collected. This payment is known as the "pass through" payment and shall be sent to the family within two (2) business days of the determination that the amount is due and owing and no later than within two (2) business days of the end of the month in which the support was collected.
R.I. Gen. Laws § 40-5.2-35