Section 4-1.2-4 - Posting of bond(a) If the court issues an order pursuant to § 4-1.2-3 vesting the animal's temporary care and custody in some suitable state, municipal, or other public or private agency or person, the owner(s) shall either surrender ownership of the animal or post a surety bond or cash bond with the agency or person in whom the animal's temporary care and custody was vested. The surety bond or cash bond shall be in an amount sufficient to pay the reasonable expenses related to necessary veterinary care, shelter, feeding, and board that is reasonably anticipated to be incurred by the agency or person having temporary care and custody of the animal during the litigation of the process referenced in § 4-1.2-1.(b) The surety bond or cash bond shall cover the expenses for a period as decided by the court with subsequent bonds being necessary upon the expiration of the preceding bond until the animal is transferred, returned, or otherwise treated pursuant to § 4-1.2-5. Failure to post the original or subsequent bonds will result in forfeiture of the seized animals, with disposition as provided for pursuant to § 4-1.2-5.Added by 2019 Pub. Laws, ch. 242,§ 1, eff. 7/15/2019.Added by 2019 Pub. Laws, ch. 180,§ 1, eff. 7/15/2019.