R.I. Gen. Laws § 4-1.2-2
Any authorized person making a seizure may file with a district court that has jurisdiction over the matter a verified petition plainly stating those facts as to bring such animal within the jurisdiction of the court and praying for appropriate action by the court in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall cause a summons to be issued requiring the owner(s) or person(s) having responsibility for the care of the animal, if known, to appear in court at the time and place named, which summons shall be served not less than fourteen (14) days before the date of the hearing. If the owner(s) or person(s) having responsibility for the care of the animal is not known, notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given by publication in a newspaper having a circulation in the town in which the officer took charge of the animal not less than fourteen (14) days before the date of the hearing. The court shall further give notice to the petitioner of the time and place of the hearing not less than fourteen (14) days before the date of the hearing.
R.I. Gen. Laws § 4-1.2-2