- Section 31-10-1 - License required to drive
- Section 31-10-2 - Persons exempt from licensing requirements
- Section 31-10-3 - Persons ineligible for licenses
- Section 31-10-4 - Classification of chauffeurs - Examination of applicants
- Section 31-10-5 - Special restrictions for drivers for compensation
- Section 31-10-5.1 - School bus driver annual training
- Section 31-10-6 - Graduated licensing for person under the age of eighteen (18)
- Section 31-10-6.1 - Supervising driver
- Section 31-10-6.2 - Out-of-state exceptions
- Section 31-10-6.3 - Duration and fee
- Section 31-10-6.4 - Violations
- Section 31-10-6.5 - Insurance status
- Section 31-10-7 - Temporary driver's permit - Persons over the age of eighteen (18)
- Section 31-10-8 - Special armed forces operator's license
- Section 31-10-9 - Operator's license issued after expiration of armed forces license
- Section 31-10-10 - Rules as to armed forces license
- Section 31-10-11 - Application forms - Destruction of refused applications
- Section 31-10-12 - Contents of application
- Section 31-10-13 - Record from other jurisdiction
- Section 31-10-14 - Applications of minors
- Section 31-10-15 - Liability of person signing minor's application
- Section 31-10-16 - Liability when minor proves financial responsibility
- Section 31-10-17 - Release from liability
- Section 31-10-18 - Cancellation of license upon death of person signing minor's application
- Section 31-10-19 - [See Note] Driver education - traffic safety education (§ 31-10-19)
- Section 31-10-20 - Driver education course requirement before licensing
- Section 31-10-21 - Written and eye examination
- Section 31-10-22 - Road test
- Section 31-10-23 - Examiners not liable for acts of persons being examined
- Section 31-10-24 - Applicants excused from road test
- Section 31-10-25 - [Repealed]
- Section 31-10-26 - Issuance of license
- Section 31-10-26.1 - Anatomical gifts by drivers
- Section 31-10-27 - License to be carried and exhibited on demand
- Section 31-10-28 - Restricted licenses
- Section 31-10-29 - Duplicate certificates
- Section 31-10-30 - Expiration and renewal of licenses
- Section 31-10-31 - Fees
- Section 31-10-32 - Notice of change of address or name
- Section 31-10-33 - Records to be kept by the division of motor vehicles
- Section 31-10-34- 31-10-34.4 - [Repealed]
- Section 31-10-34.5 - Transfer of functions to administrator of division of motor vehicles
- Section 31-10-35 - Commercial drivers' school license required
- Section 31-10-36 - Application for commercial drivers' school license
- Section 31-10-37 - Fee - Expiration of license - Duplicates
- Section 31-10-38 - Denial, suspension, or revocation of commercial drivers' school licenses
- Section 31-10-39 - Instructor's license required
- Section 31-10-40 - Fee - Expiration of instructor's license
- Section 31-10-41 - Denial, suspension, or revocation of instructor's license
- Section 31-10-42 - Hearing on denial, suspension, or revocation of driver's school or instructor's licenses - Review
- Section 31-10-43 - Penalties for violations
- Section 31-10-44 - Medical advisory board
- Section 31-10-45 - Safety belts
- Section 31-10-46 - Driver education course - Credit given
- Section 31-10-47 - Notification of selective service registration requirement
- Section 31-10-48 - Veteran designation on operator license
- Section 31-10-49 - Autism designations for motor vehicle operators - blue envelope program