R.I. Gen. Laws § 28-46-5
Upon receipt of notification, or upon his or her own initiative when that notification is not given as required, the director shall cause an investigation to be made of the employer to determine the number of employees who have completed fifteen (15) years of covered service under the pension plan of the employer and whose employment was or will be terminated because of the employer's ceasing to operate a place of employment within this state, and whose non-vested pension benefits have been or will be forfeited by that termination of employment, the amounts of any non-vested pension benefits, if any, of those employees, and any other facts or circumstances concerning the employer, the employees, and the pension plan for those employees as may be necessary or useful to the director to carry out his or her duties and responsibilities under this chapter. The investigation, insofar as practicable, shall be conducted at the employer's place of employment during normal business hours. The employer shall cooperate fully with the director in that investigation, and shall make available to him or her any books, records, or other information necessary or useful to that investigation. To aid in those investigations, the director is authorized to administer oaths and affirmations and to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of books, records, or other documents. The director may seek, through the attorney general acting on his or her behalf, orders from any court of competent jurisdiction to compel an employer to comply with the provisions of this chapter and to punish disobedience of any subpoena issued pursuant to this chapter.
R.I. Gen. Laws § 28-46-5