R.I. Gen. Laws § 27-1-13
The superior court, upon complaint in writing from the insurance commissioner under oath setting forth that, in the commissioner's opinion, any insurance company has forfeited its charter at law, or is managing its concerns in a manner that the public or those having funds in its custody are in danger of being defrauded, or the continued operation of its business would be hazardous to the public or its policyholders, or has become insolvent, shall issue a citation to the company, directed to and to be served on the president, secretary, or treasurer of the company by leaving an attested copy at the office or usual place of business of the company, commanding the president, secretary, or treasurer personally to appear before the court on a day and in a place to be mentioned in the citation, then and there under oath to show cause, if they have any, why the company should not be enjoined from further exercising the powers and franchises conferred by its charter and why the charter should not be forfeited.
R.I. Gen. Laws § 27-1-13