Section 13-8-6 - Duties of administrator - Case folders(a) The duties of the administrator shall include the following: (1) To administer the office of the parole board;(2) To supervise the collection of data for each applicant for parole;(3) To summarize collected data and prepare a folder on each applicant for parole, including the summary of the information collected from the above sources, or any other sources which are deemed appropriate, together with the original supporting documents, and all communications addressed to the board and its members concerning the applicant for parole;(4) To maintain, in the folder of each applicant, the report of the board provided for in § 13-8-23;(5) To arrange for each meeting of the board;(6) To prepare all reports required of the board;(7)(i) To send to the state and local police a list of all persons, including their date of birth and last known address prior to incarceration, lead offenses, and the name of the police department which prosecuted the person, whose application for parole is to be considered by the board, not less than six (6) weeks prior to the meeting to consider the applications, so that the state police and the local police departments may return any comment deemed appropriate at least two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled meeting; and to make a reasonable effort to notify the victim of the crime committed by the prisoner, or, in homicide cases, the victim's next of kin, and/or, in cases where the victim is a minor, the victim's parent and/or legal guardian, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting, of his or her right to provide a victim impact statement to the board;(ii) For the purposes of this subdivision the following words and phrases have the following meanings: (A) "Victim" means an individual who has suffered direct or threatened physical, emotional, or financial harm as the result of the commission of a crime, or an immediate family member of a minor or a homicide victim.(B) "Victim impact statement" means a statement providing information about the financial, emotional, and physical effects of a crime on the victim and the victim's family, and specific information about the victim, the circumstances surrounding the crime, and the manner in which it was perpetrated.(8) To furnish the attorney general, the state police, and the local police departments set forth in § 13-8-9.1 with a photograph (or a reasonable facsimile) of each prisoner released, taken at the time of his or her release on parole;(9) To notify the police department of the town or city in which the prisoner resided before sentence and the police department of the city or town in which he or she is to reside, at least five (5) days prior to the release of any prisoner on parole, of the release;(10) To have published in a newspaper of general circulation, once a month, the names of the persons whose applications for parole are to be considered within the upcoming month and the hearing date or dates of the applications;(11) To prepare a list of all individuals released by the board;(12) To maintain that list in the permanent files of the office of the board, which list shall be a public record;(13) To confer with the director of corrections on all matters relating to the activities of the board; and(14) To perform related duties as required.(b) Case folders shall be made available to each member of the board not less than a week prior to its meeting to interview applicants for parole and shall be maintained in the permanent files of the board.G.L. 1938, ch. 617, § 12; P.L. 1949, ch. 2161, § 1; G.L. 1956, § 13-8-6; Reorg. Plan No. 1, 1970; P.L. 1972, ch. 163, § 9; P.L. 1983, ch. 215, § 1; P.L. 1989, ch. 419, §1; P.L. 1999 , ch. 472, § 1; P.L. 2002 , ch. 319, § 1; P.L. 2009 , ch. 118, § 1; P.L. 2009 , ch. 140, § 1.