Section 13-8-23 - Parties required to provide reports to parole boardInformation concerning applicants for parole shall be provided by:
(1) The director of corrections, who shall submit a list of all prisoners under his or her control who will be eligible for parole in a given month, not later than the tenth day of the second month preceding. That list shall identify the prisoner by name, offense, and date of commitment;(2) The director of corrections, who shall secure reports from prison officials and institutional personnel who have had direct contact with the prisoner including, but not limited to, prison administrators, the classification board, mental health counselors, correctional officers, and medical personnel. The director shall transmit those reports, together with all pertinent classification information, including social history and information pertaining to the prisoner's disciplinary record, participation in rehabilitation and educational programs, employment history and plan, housing plan, community supports, mental health status and needs, substance abuse status and needs, discharge plan, and any actions or recommendations made by a classification board or committee in the institution, to the board not later than the twentieth day of the month next preceding the month in which the individual is eligible to appear before the board;(3) The attorney general's department, which shall supply to the board a written report of its recommendation concerning the current application for parole. The report shall set forth in detail the reason or reasons why the particular inmate, given his or her criminal history and the circumstances surrounding his or her offense, should or should not be paroled. The department shall also consult the trial judge in the case to determine if he or she may wish to make any comment or recommendation; and if requested by the board, the department shall have one of its attorneys present at the board hearings to elaborate on the attorney general's recommendation as to parole of the inmate;(4) When deemed necessary by the board, a psychiatrist, who shall examine the prisoner upon notice from the board and shall submit his or her findings and recommendations to the board not later than the twentieth day of the month next preceding the month in which the prisoner is eligible to appear before the board;(5) Licensed mental health professionals who shall upon notice from the board examine the prisoner and report their findings and recommendations to the board not later than the twentieth day of the month next preceding the month in which the prisoner is eligible to appear before the board;(6) The department of corrections, which shall submit: (i) a transcript of the previous criminal record of the prisoner, including the date of offenses, nature of offenses, and the disposition of each;(ii) a copy of the pre-sentence investigation; and(iii) a full summary of the contact of the department with the prisoner during any prior period under supervision, either probation or parole or both. The department shall make a written recommendation concerning the current application for parole.G.L., ch. 617, § 8; P.L. 1949, ch. 2161, § 1; impl. am. P.L. 1951, ch. 2724, § 2; impl. am. P.L. 1956, ch. 3721, § 1; G.L. 1956, § 13-8-23; Reorg. Plan No. 1, 1970; P.L. 1972, ch. 163, § 9; P.L. 1976, ch. 290, § 5; P.L. 1989, ch. 419, §1; P.L. 2011 , ch. 151, art. 20, § 2.