R.I. Gen. Laws § 12-1.6-2
The department of attorney general shall maintain an electronic, web-based system to assist facilities, licensed under chapters 17, 17.4, 17.7.1 of title 23 or § 23-1-52, and the executive office of health and human services under §§ 42-7.2-18.1 and 42-7.2-18.3, required to check relevant registries and conduct national criminal records checks of routine contact patient employees , personal care attendants and high-risk providers. The department of attorney general shall provide for an automated notice, as authorized in § 12-1.6-1, to those facilities or to the executive office of health and human services if a routine-contact patient employee , personal care attendant or high- risk provider is subsequently convicted of a disqualifying offense, as described in the relevant licensing statute or in §§ 42-7.2-18.2 and 42-7.2-18.4. The department of attorney general may charge a facility a one-time, set-up fee of up to one hundred dollars ($100) for access to the electronic web-based system under this section.
R.I. Gen. Laws § 12-1.6-2