- Section 221:1 - Clerk of court for commonwealth; appointment; term, etc.
- Section 221:2 - Duties
- Section 221:3 - Election of clerks; term
- Section 221:4 - First assistant clerks; appointment
- Section 221:5 - Assistant clerks; appointment
- Section 221:5A - Assistant and first assistant clerks; practice of law
- Section 221:6A - Superior court for county of Middlesex; equity clerk
- Section 221:6B - Superior court for county of Essex; equity clerk
- Section 221:6C - Superior court for county of Essex; criminal proceedings clerk
- Section 221:6D - Superior court for county of Norfolk; criminal proceedings clerk
- Section 221:6E - Superior court for county of Worcester; equity proceedings clerk
- Section 221:6F - Superior court for county of Worcester; criminal proceedings clerk
- Section 221:6G - Superior court for county of Middlesex; criminal proceedings clerk
- Section 221:6I - Superior court for county of Plymouth; equity proceedings clerk
- Section 221:6J - Superior court for county of Plymouth; criminal proceedings clerk
- Section 221:6K - Superior court for county of Hampden; equity proceedings clerk
- Section 221:6L - Superior court for county of Hampden; criminal proceedings clerk
- Section 221:6M - Superior court for county of Bristol; criminal proceedings clerk
- Section 221:6N - Superior court for county of Bristol; civil proceedings clerk
- Section 221:6O - Superior court for county of Bristol; equity proceedings clerk
- Section 221:7 - Deputy assistant clerks
- Section 221:8 - Temporary clerks
- Section 221:9 - Temporary assistant clerks; manner of appointment
- Section 221:10 - Temporary clerk; appointment by court
- Section 221:11 - Oath of clerk
- Section 221:12 - Bonds of clerks
- Section 221:13 - Assistant clerk; notice to secretary of state of vacancies
- Section 221:14 - General duties of clerks
- Section 221:15 - Supreme judicial court in Suffolk; duties of clerk and assistant clerk
- Section 221:16 - Superior court in Suffolk; duties of clerk
- Section 221:16A - Unified session clerk
- Section 221:17 - Authorized electronic rendering or facsimile of signature of clerk; signature of assistant clerk
- Section 221:18 - Affidavits in court proceedings
- Section 221:19 - Duty to forward notices of appeal, etc., to attorney general
- Section 221:20 - Rescripts, notice of
- Section 221:22 - Orders of notice; power of clerk to issue
- Section 221:23 - Alphabetical list of parties
- Section 221:26 - Physicians or unregistered practitioners; clerk to report convictions
- Section 221:27 - Extension of papers on record
- Section 221:27A - Obsolete or useless papers; disposition, destruction or storage
- Section 221:28 - Records; duty of clerk to exhibit
- Section 221:29 - Records; duty of justices to inspect
- Section 221:30 - Forfeiture of bond
- Section 221:31 - Misconduct in office; liability
- Section 221:32 - Fees; duty of clerks to account
- Section 221:33 - Assistant clerk; duties
- Section 221:34A - Judicial council; establishment; purpose; membership; term
- Section 221:34B - Reports to governor; rules of practice and procedure
- Section 221:34C - Compensation; clerical expense
- Section 221:34E - Mental health legal advisors committee; appointment, etc.; executive director; legal advisors, list, fee schedule, compensation; volunteer legal assistance program; information program; procedures; funds
- Section 221:35 - Bar examiners; appointment; statements of financial interest
- Section 221:36 - Admission of attorneys to the bar; eligibility; expenses; manner of payment
- Section 221:36A - Admission to the bar; educational requirements of World War II veterans
- Section 221:37 - Petition for examination for admission to the bar; fees
- Section 221:38 - Oath of office
- Section 221:38A - Aliens; petitions and examinations
- Section 221:39 - Attorneys from sister states; conditions for admissions
- Section 221:40 - Removal; grounds; expenses
- Section 221:41 - Unauthorized practice of law; solicitation of law-business; penalty
- Section 221:42 - Standing of attorneys; clerk of supreme judicial court to keep records
- Section 221:43 - Claims for damages; attorneys prohibited from soliciting
- Section 221:44 - Disqualification for violation of sec. 43
- Section 221:44A - Hospital employees, etc., communication with attorney concerning personal injury cases; prohibition
- Section 221:44B - Copies of sec. 44A; furnishing to hospitals; posting
- Section 221:45 - Practice of law by sheriffs, constables, etc., prohibited
- Section 221:46 - Practice of law by corporations; prohibition; exception
- Section 221:46A - Practice of law; persons authorized
- Section 221:46B - Jurisdiction to restrain violation of secs. 46, 46A and 46C
- Section 221:46C - Unauthorized practice of law; furnishing services to debtor in debt pooling plan
- Section 221:46D - Credit counseling corporation, application of previous sections
- Section 221:46E - Real estate closings involving the use of communication technology
- Section 221:48 - Prosecution of own suits; restriction
- Section 221:50 - Attorney's lien for fees; enforcement
- Section 221:50A - Discharge of state or political subdivision from liability for attorney's lien
- Section 221:50B - Claims; summary determination
- Section 221:51 - Failure to pay client's money; penalty
- Section 221:52 - Disqualification of attorney to act in suits previously decided by him
- Section 221:53 - Masters in chancery
- Section 221:54 - Completion of business on expiration of commission
- Section 221:55 - Compensation of masters, etc.
- Section 221:57 - Masters; appointment
- Section 221:58 - Masters; hearings; reports; judgment
- Section 221:59 - Auditors; discharge by court
- Section 221:61 - Masters; compensation and travel expenses
- Section 221:62 - Reports of masters
- Section 221:62A - Masters; death or incapacity; compensation
- Section 221:62B - Clerks of courts as magistrates
- Section 221:62C - Magistrates; powers and duties
- Section 221:63 - Reporter of decisions; appointment; tenure
- Section 221:64 - Preparation of reports; time of publication
- Section 221:64A - Printing and sale of reports of decisions of supreme judicial and appeals courts; advertisement for bids; award and execution of contracts; performance bond
- Section 221:65 - Style of reports
- Section 221:66 - Opinions; duration and manner of keeping
- Section 221:67 - Deputy reporter
- Section 221:68 - Compensation of reporter
- Section 221:69 - Court officers; number; compensation for attendance
- Section 221:69A - Appointment and removal of court officers responsible for security
- Section 221:70 - Appointment
- Section 221:70A - Court officers; performance of police powers and duties
- Section 221:71 - Chief deputy sheriff for Suffolk, Middlesex and Hampden; chief court officer for Hampden, Norfolk and Worcester counties
- Section 221:71A - Assistant chief court officers in Suffolk county
- Section 221:72 - Tenure; transfer or interchange in Suffolk county
- Section 221:73 - Compensation in Suffolk county land court and probate court
- Section 221:73B - Compensation in Suffolk county supreme judicial court and appeals court
- Section 221:75 - Deputy sheriffs and constables; compensation
- Section 221:76 - Administrative assistant and messengers in Suffolk county; appointment; compensation; duties
- Section 221:76A - Superior court in Suffolk county; assistant messenger
- Section 221:77 - Premiums on official bonds; payment
- Section 221:78 - Supreme judicial court in Suffolk county; service of venires; bond
- Section 221:79 - Witnesses; summoning in Suffolk and Worcester; expenses
- Section 221:80 - Uniforms of court officers
- Section 221:81 - Double compensation prohibited
- Section 221:82 - Stenographers; appointment in superior court
- Section 221:83 - Temporary stenographers; fees
- Section 221:86 - Stenographer for grand jury; appointment; custody of notes
- Section 221:87 - Duties of stenographers; regulations
- Section 221:88 - Fees of court stenographers for furnishing transcripts of notes
- Section 221:89 - Clerical assistants
- Section 221:90A - Services rendered outside appointing county; expenses; compensation
- Section 221:91 - Superior courts; compensation of stenographers
- Section 221:91B - Employment of stenographer by defendant; admissibility of transcripts of notes; application of section
- Section 221:91C - Appointment of stenographer in civil cases before auditor or master; admissibility of transcripts
- Section 221:91D - Court reporters; practices; contracts
- Section 221:92 - Interpreters; appointment; tenure; compensation
- Section 221:92A - Interpreters for the deaf or hearing-impaired; court proceedings; arrests; admissibility of evidence; fees and expenses; privileged communications
- Section 221:93 - Supreme judicial court; salaries of clerks
- Section 221:94 - Manner of payment; salaries of clerks and assistant clerks
- Section 221:99 - Traveling expenses
- Section 221:100 - Temporary and assistant clerks; salaries
- Section 221:101 - Salaries as full compensation
- Section 221:102 - Clerical assistance