Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 141 § 3

Current through Chapter 373 of the 2024 Legislative Session, with the exception of Acts not available as of 1/14/2025
Section 141:3 - Forms of, and general provisions relating to, examinations, licenses and certificates; records; manual of regulations and licenses

The following forms of license shall be issued: certificate A, known as master electrician's license; certificate B, known as journeyman electrician's license; certificate C, known as systems contractor's license; and certificate D, known as systems technician's license.

(1) Certificate A shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation engaged in or about to engage in the business of installing wires, conduits, apparatus, devices, fixtures or other appliances and systems; provided, however, that such person or a member of such firm or an officer of such corporation has passed an examination before the state examiners of electricians and such person or a member of such firm or officer of such corporation has held a certificate B license for at least twelve months.
(2) Certificate B shall be issued to any person who has passed an examination before the state examiners of electricians. It shall specify the name of such person, who shall thereby be authorized to engage in the occupation of journeyman electrician.
(3) Certificate C shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation engaged in or about to engage in the business of installing fire warning, security or other systems; provided, however, that such person or a member of such firm or an officer of such corporation has passed an examination before the state examiners of electricians and such person or a member of such firm or officer of such corporation has held a certificate D license for at least twelve months.
(4) Certificate D shall be issued to any person who has passed an examination before the state examiners of electricians. It shall specify the name of such person who shall thereby be authorized to engage in the occupation of systems technician.
(5) Both certificate A and certificate C shall specify the name of the person, firm or corporation licensed and the name of the person passing the examination by which such person, firm or corporation shall be authorized to enter upon or engage in business as set forth therein. The holding of certificate A or certificate C shall not entitle the holder individually to engage in or perform the actual work of installing wires, conduits, apparatus, devices, fixtures or other appliances or systems but the holding of certificate A shall entitle the holder to conduct business as a master electrician and the holding of certificate C shall entitle the holder to conduct business as a systems contractor.
(6) Persons desiring an examination shall make written application therefor, accompanied by an examination fee. A person passing an examination for a master electrician's license, a systems contractor's license, a journeyman electrician's license, or a systems technician's license shall pay a fee before being issued such license.
(7) Each certificate A and certificate C shall expire on July thirty-first every third year, commencing July thirty-first, nineteen hundred and eighty-nine, but may be renewed by the same person, firm or corporation acting by one or more of its members or officers, without further examination, upon payment of a fee, application therefor being made during said month. In case of failure to renew a license as aforesaid on or before July thirty-first of the third year, the person named therein, upon payment of said fee, increased by such additional fees as would have been payable had such license been continuously renewed may receive a deferred renewal thereof which shall expire July thirty-first of ensuing three year period; provided, however, that such renewed license shall not constitute its holder a licensee for any period preceding its issue.
(8) Each certificate B and certificate D shall expire on July thirty-first every third year, commencing July thirty-first, nineteen hundred and eighty-nine, but may be renewed upon payment of a fee upon the same conditions set forth in clause (7).
(9) Holders of certificate A and certificate C shall keep their certificates of registration displayed in a conspicuous place in their principal offices or places of business. The examiners shall furnish holders of certificate B and certificate D with evidence of having been so licensed by the examiners, in card form or otherwise, which shall be carried on the person of the licensee and exhibited on request.
(10) Any certificate expiring while the holder thereof is in the military or naval service of the United States shall be renewed without further examination, upon payment of the prescribed fee, at any time within four months after such person's discharge from the service.
(11) Examination papers and applications for certificate A, certificate B, certificate C and certificate D, shall be preserved for at least two years, after which time they may, at the discretion of the examiners, be destroyed.
(12) Records of the meetings of the examiners shall be open for inspection at all times, and they shall have printed annually a manual of their regulations, including the names of all licensees.

Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 141, § 3