Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 123 § 35
For the purposes of this section the following terms shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings:
"Alcohol use disorder", the chronic or habitual consumption of alcoholic beverages by a person to the extent that (1) such use substantially injures the person's health or substantially interferes with the person's social or economic functioning, or (2) the person has lost the power of self-control over the use of such beverages.
"Facility", a public or private facility that provides care and treatment for a person with an alcohol or substance use disorder.
"Secure facility", a facility that provides care and treatment for a person with alcohol or substance use disorder funded, controlled or administered by a county sheriff or a facility so designated by the department of public health or the department of mental health that provides a comparable level of security.
"Substance use disorder", the chronic or habitual consumption or ingestion of controlled substances or intentional inhalation of toxic vapors by a person to the extent that: (i) such use substantially injures the person's health or substantially interferes with the person's social or economic functioning; or (ii) the person has lost the power of self-control over the use of such controlled substances or toxic vapors.
The secretary of health and human services shall ensure an adequate supply of suitable beds for the treatment of alcohol or substance use disorders at facilities licensed or approved by the department of public health or the department of mental health for persons ordered to be committed under this section.
If the department of public health informs the court that there are no suitable facilities available for treatment licensed or approved by the department of public health or the department of mental health, or if the court makes a specific finding that the only appropriate setting for treatment for the person is a secure facility, the person may be committed to a secure facility licensed or approved by the department of public health or the department of mental health; provided, however, that any person so committed shall be housed and treated separately from persons currently serving a criminal sentence.
A person committed under this section shall, upon release, be encouraged to consent to further treatment and shall be allowed voluntarily to remain in the facility or the secure facility for such purpose. The department of public health shall maintain a roster of facilities and secure facilities available, together with the number of beds currently available and the level of security at each facility, for the care and treatment of alcohol use disorder and substance use disorder and shall make the roster available to the trial court.
Annually, not later than February 1, the commissioner shall report on whether a facility other than the Massachusetts correctional institution at Bridgewater is being used for treatment of males under the previous paragraph and the number of persons so committed to such a facility in the previous year. The report shall be provided to the clerks of the senate and house of representatives, the chairs of the joint committee on public safety and homeland security and the chairs of the joint committee on the judiciary.
Nothing in this section shall preclude a facility, including the Massachusetts correctional institution at Bridgewater or such other facility as may be designated by the commissioner of correction, from treating persons on a voluntary basis.
The court, in its order, shall specify whether such commitment is based upon a finding that the person is a person with an alcohol use disorder, substance use disorder, or both. The court, upon ordering the commitment of a person found to be a person with an alcohol use disorder or substance use disorder pursuant to this section, shall transmit the person's name and nonclinical identifying information, including the person's social security number and date of birth, to the department of criminal justice information services. The court shall notify the person that such person is prohibited from being issued a firearm identification card pursuant to section 129B of chapter 140 or a license to carry pursuant to sections 131 and 131F of said chapter 140 unless a petition for relief pursuant to this section is subsequently granted.
After 5 years from the date of commitment, a person found to be a person with an alcohol use disorder or substance use disorder and committed pursuant to this section may file a petition for relief with the court that ordered the commitment requesting that the court restore the person's ability to possess a firearm, as defined in section 121 of chapter 140. The court may grant the relief sought in accordance with the principles of due process if the circumstances regarding the person's disqualifying condition and the person's record and reputation are determined to be such that: (i) the person is not likely to act in a manner that is dangerous to public safety; and (ii) the granting of relief would not be contrary to the public interest. In making the determination, the court may consider evidence from a licensed physician or clinical psychologist that the person is no longer suffering from the disease or condition that caused the disability or that the disease or condition has been successfully treated for a period of 3 consecutive years.
A facility or secure facility used for commitment under this section for a person found to be a person with a substance use disorder shall maintain or provide for the capacity to possess, dispense and administer all drugs approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration for use in opioid agonist treatment, including partial agonist treatment, and opioid antagonist treatment for opioid use disorder and shall make such treatment available to any person for whom such treatment is medically appropriate.
If the court grants a petition for relief pursuant to this section, the clerk shall provide notice immediately by forwarding a certified copy of the order for relief to the department of criminal justice information services, who shall transmit the order, pursuant to paragraph (h) of section 167A of chapter 6, to the attorney general of the United States to be included in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
A person whose petition for relief is denied may appeal to the appellate division of the district court for a de novo review of the denial.
Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 123, § 123:35