- Section 90:1 - Definitions
- Section 90:1A - Registration of motor vehicles; liability insurance, certificate accompanying application, failure to maintain; revocation of certificate of registration; exemptions; school buses
- Section 90:1B - Motorized bicycles; operation regulations
- Section 90:1C - Motorized bicycles; compliance with federal standards
- Section 90:1D - Motorized bicycles; sales; number sticker or plate
- Section 90:1E - Motorized bicycles; sales; number sticker or plate
- Section 90:1F - Operation of low-speed motor vehicles on public ways
- Section 90:1G - Notice of disclosure regarding low-speed motor vehicles
- Section 90:1H - Registration of non-low-speed motor vehicles
- Section 90:1I - Registration of 3-wheeled motor vehicles
- Section 90:2 - Registration of motor vehicles and trailers; applications; reciprocal state agreements; transfer of ownership; plates; fraud or misrepresentation; penalties; license plate retention program for deployed residents
- Section 90:2A - Application for registration of motor vehicle or trailer owned by minor
- Section 90:2B - Removal of registration upon transfer of ownership
- Section 90:2D - Temporary registration plates
- Section 90:2E - Distinctive registration plates; Environmental Trust Funds; Child Care Quality Fund; 9/11 victims and military heroes funds; Boston Marathon tragedy funds; fees
- Section 90:2F - Distinctive registration plates; submission of applications; eligible organizations
- Section 90:2G - Low-speed motor vehicles - registration and plates
- Section 90:2H - Certificates of registration and number plates for street rods, replica vehicles, specially-constructed vehicles and custom vehicles
- Section 90:2I - Additional requirements for initial registration; refusal; revocation
- Section 90:2J - Motor vehicle prohibited from operating in interstate commerce by federal agency
- Section 90:3 - Operation of motor vehicles owned by non-residents; limitation; liability insurance; vehicles used in connection with place of business; suspension or revocation of right to operate vehicle; registration
- Section 90:3 1/2 - Determination of residency
- Section 90:3A - Appointment of registrar as attorney as result of acceptance of rights and privileges of sec. 3 by non-resident
- Section 90:3B - Appointment of registrar as attorney as result of operation of motor vehicle by any person
- Section 90:3C - Service of process; notice of service; continuance
- Section 90:3D - Appointment of registrar as result of application for registration or license to operate motor vehicle; service of process on registrar
- Section 90:3E - Fee paid to registrar; records of registrar
- Section 90:3F - Separability of secs. 3A to 3E; effect of unconstitutionality
- Section 90:3G - Security from nonresidents for damage caused by operation of motor vehicles; procedure; contents of motion
- Section 90:5 - General registrations and general registration number plates; issuance; persons eligible; limitations on operation of vehicles
- Section 90:5A - Application for general distinguishing mark for motor vehicles under control of military forces of commonwealth
- Section 90:5B - Persons in military service; vehicles purchased in another state; registration
- Section 90:6 - Display of number plates; temporary number plates
- Section 90:6A - Number plates for antique motor cars
- Section 90:6B - One number plate; display
- Section 90:6C - Return of number plates by repossessor; penalty
- Section 90:7 - Brakes, braking systems, mufflers, horns, lights, audible warning systems, and other equipment; compliance with safety standards; stickers and emblems
- Section 90:7A - Rules and regulations for periodic inspection of motor vehicles; school buses; fees; motor vehicle inspection trust fund
- Section 90:7B - Equipment and operation of school buses
- Section 90:7C - Minimum standards for construction and equipment of school buses
- Section 90:7D - Application of sec. 7B; additional equipment
- Section 90:7D 1/2 - Transportation of vocational school students; motor vehicle requirements; seat belts
- Section 90:7E - Display of red or blue lights on vehicles; permits; revocation; violations
- Section 90:7G - Used brake drums; servicing, sale or grinding; prohibition
- Section 90:7H - Brake linings; minimum safety standards
- Section 90:7I - Emergency disaster service vehicles of charitable corporations; identification and equipment
- Section 90:7J - Handlebars on motorcycles; rules and regulations; penalty
- Section 90:7K - Tires; minimum safety standards; penalty
- Section 90:7L - Standing in school buses; penalty
- Section 90:7M - Retread or recapped tires; sale; marking quality
- Section 90:7N - Voiding contracts of sale
- Section 90:7N 1/4 - Express warranty by dealer of used motor vehicle; issuance; consumer's rights and remedies
- Section 90:7N 1/2 - Defective or malfunctioning new motor vehicles; sale and repair or replacement
- Section 90:7O - Motor vehicle pollutant control devices; removal
- Section 90:7P - Height of motor vehicles; alteration restricted
- Section 90:7Q - Tire tread depth regulations; compliance; operation of vehicle prohibited
- Section 90:7R - Vehicle identification number; display in certain motor vehicles
- Section 90:7R 1/2 - Dealers insignias, logos or plates; placement on motor vehicles; consent
- Section 90:7S - Motorcycle sound emissions; definitions
- Section 90:7T - Motorcycle sound levels; testing regulations
- Section 90:7U - Motorcycles; maximum sound levels
- Section 90:7V - Certificates of inspection; rules and regulations
- Section 90:7W - Rules and regulations for licensing; punishment
- Section 90:7X - Designation of referee stations
- Section 90:7Y - Certification and training of inspectors; rules and regulations
- Section 90:7Z - Entry on premises of inspection stations; examination of records
- Section 90:7AA - Child passenger restraints; fine; violation as evidence in civil action
- Section 90:7BB - [Nullified by referendum by majority vote at 1986 state election]
- Section 90:7CC - Transporting of special needs children
- Section 90:8 - Operator's licenses; applications; examinations
- Section 90:8A - Operators of school buses; licensing; training; instructors
- Section 90:8A 1/2 - Operators of school buses under sec. 7D; licensing; exceptions
- Section 90:8B - Learner's permits
- Section 90:8C - Medical advisory board; establishment in registry; opinions on standards of fitness for applicants for learner's permits or licenses as function, etc.
- Section 90:8D - Donor registry and anatomical gift act; information to be included with notice of license and registration renewal; symbol on license; charitable donations; liability of government employees; transmission of information to organ procurement organizations; educational materials
- Section 90:8E - Identification cards for persons not possessing motor vehicle licenses; application; REAL ID-compliance; fee; organ donor status; provision of donor information to eye and tissue banks; expiration
- Section 90:8G - Identification cards for persons not possessing motor vehicle licenses; lost, destroyed or mutilated cards; change of name; duplicate cards
- Section 90:8H - Identification cards for persons not possessing motor vehicle licenses; fictitious, fraudulent, or altered cards; possession
- Section 90:8I - Identification cards for persons not possessing motor vehicle licenses; description
- Section 90:8J - Identification cards for persons not possessing motor vehicle licenses; change of address
- Section 90:8K - Identification cards for persons not possessing motor vehicle licenses; cancellation
- Section 90:8L - Registry of motor vehicles to act as registration agency
- Section 90:8M - Operation of mobile electronic devices by junior operators; penalty; affirmative defense
- Section 90:8N - Designations for gender
- Section 90:9 - Operation of unregistered or improperly equipped motor vehicles, tractors, trailers, etc.
- Section 90:9A - Safety glass; windshields, windows
- Section 90:9B - Registration of vehicles; display of number plates; application of law
- Section 90:9C - Repair of tires on trucks, etc.
- Section 90:9D - Windshields and windows obscured by nontransparent materials, signs, stickers, etc.; penalties
- Section 90:10 - Operation of motor vehicle without license; members of armed forces; nonresidents; suspension or revocation of license
- Section 90:11 - Carrying of certificate of registration and license; presentation after accident upon request
- Section 90:12 - Employing or allowing unlicensed operator to operate motor vehicle; permitting person with ignition interlock devise license restriction to operate motor vehicle without devise; penalties
- Section 90:12A - Use of mobile telephone, hands-free mobile telephone or other mobile electronic device by operator of vehicle or vessel used in public transportation prohibited; penalties; affirmative defenses
- Section 90:13 - Safety precautions for proper operation and parking of vehicles and buses
- Section 90:13A - Seat belt use requirement; exceptions; fines; effect of violation
- Section 90:13B - Holding or use of mobile electronic device while driving prohibited unless device being used in hands-free mode; exception for emergencies; not applicable to first responders; penalty
- Section 90:13C - Safety measures for amphibious sight-seeing vehicles
- Section 90:14 - Precautions for safety of other travelers
- Section 90:14A - Protection of blind pedestrians crossing or attempting to cross ways
- Section 90:14B - Uniform stopping and turning signals on ways
- Section 90:15 - Precautions at railroad crossings; punishment
- Section 90:16 - Offensive or illegal operation of motor vehicles
- Section 90:16A - Stopped motor vehicles; operation of engine; time limit; penalty
- Section 90:16B - Idling of motor vehicle on school grounds
- Section 90:17 - Speed limits
- Section 90:17A - Speed limit on certain interstate highways
- Section 90:17B - Drag racing; penalties
- Section 90:17C - Establishment of 25-mile-per hour speed limit in thickly settled or business districts; violations
- Section 90:17D - Active construction zone speed limits
- Section 90:18 - Special regulations as to speed and as to use of vehicles
- Section 90:18A - Use of ways by pedestrians; rules and regulations; violations
- Section 90:18B - Establishment of designated safety zones; violations
- Section 90:19 - Dimensions and weights of motor vehicles, trucks and trailers
- Section 90:19A - Weight limitations for certain motor vehicles and semi-trailers; scales; penalties for violations
- Section 90:19D - Permit stickers; issuance; application; certificate of gross vehicle weight rating; violations; penalties
- Section 90:19E - Operation of certain motor vehicles, semi-trailers, etc., on interstate and defense highways
- Section 90:19F - Vehicles authorized to operate on national network
- Section 90:19G - Vehicles authorized to operate on routes of reasonable access; special permits
- Section 90:19I - Maximum vehicle width exception for vehicles used in public way construction
- Section 90:19J - Maximum vehicle width exception for vehicles used in snow clearing duties
- Section 90:19K - Use of plow and hitching mechanisms
- Section 90:19L - Commercial motor carriers - records
- Section 90:20 - Penalties and punishments
- Section 90:20A - Violations of rules regulating parking of motor vehicles; notice to appear before clerk of district court; failure to appear
- Section 90:20A 1/2 - Cities of Boston and Cambridge; parking violations; tags; appearance; failure to appear
- Section 90:20C - Nature of proceedings under secs. 20A and 20A 1/2; fines
- Section 90:20D - Tampering or destruction of parking tags; penalty
- Section 90:20E - Liability of lessors of motor vehicles for parking violations
- Section 90:20G - Failure to appear
- Section 90:20H - Failure to appear - Tobin Bridge toll
- Section 90:21 - Arrest without warrant
- Section 90:22 - Suspension or revocation of certificate of registration or license; written notice
- Section 90:22 1/2 - Suspension of license for violation of section 94C:32E
- Section 90:22A - Suspension of operator's license or registration certificates, unsatisfied judgment; reinstatement of license
- Section 90:22B - Abandonment of motor vehicles; penalties
- Section 90:22C - Abandoned motor vehicles; removal and disposal
- Section 90:22D - Suspension of license for automobile law violation; reinstatement
- Section 90:22E - Abandoned vehicles; penalty for removal of parts
- Section 90:22F - Habitual traffic offender; revocation of license; requirements for reinstatement
- Section 90:22G - Littering; suspension of license
- Section 90:22H - Transportation of animals in motor vehicles; safety; penalty
- Section 90:22I - Request for review of operator's ability to safely operate motor vehicle; report; immunity from liability
- Section 90:23 - Operation of motor vehicle after suspension or revocation of license; concealment of identity of motor vehicle
- Section 90:24 - Driving while under influence of intoxicating liquor, etc.; second and subsequent offenses; punishment; treatment programs; reckless and unauthorized driving; failure to stop after collision
- Section 90:24 1/2 - Ignition interlock device
- Section 90:24A - Use of motor vehicles in commission of felony, larceny or other crimes
- Section 90:24B - Stealing, forging or other falsification of learner's permit, operator's license, certificate of registration or inspection sticker; use or possession; penalties; suspension and reinstatement of license or right to operate motor vehicle
- Section 90:24D - Probation of persons convicted of driving under the influence; driver alcohol education program; alcohol treatment and rehabilitation programs; fees; indigents; gifts and grants; report
- Section 90:24E - Dismissal of charges upon compliance with terms of probation; records; reports
- Section 90:24F - Civil liability to owner for unauthorized use of motor vehicle
- Section 90:24G - Homicide by motor vehicle; punishment
- Section 90:24H - Removal of abandoned or stolen vehicles from public places; towing vehicles; machines that crush, mutilate or destroy vehicles; salvage or junk yard owners or agents
- Section 90:24I - Possession of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles
- Section 90:24J - Inquiry of defendant convicted of driving while under influence of intoxicating liquors as to being served alcohol at licensed establishment
- Section 90:24K - Chemical breath analysis; validity; testing procedures; report forms
- Section 90:24L - Serious bodily injury by motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicating substance; penalties
- Section 90:24M - Training for law enforcement personnel regarding alcohol-related offenses; alcohol sensitive selective traffic enforcement program
- Section 90:24N - Suspension of operator's license upon issuance of complaint; hearing
- Section 90:24O - Statement to defendant regarding further violations
- Section 90:24P - Minors; further violations; education and treatment programs
- Section 90:24Q - Drug and alcohol assessments
- Section 90:24R - Revocation of license
- Section 90:24S - Failure to use ignition interlock device
- Section 90:24T - Tampering with ignition interlock device
- Section 90:24U - Misuse of ignition interlock device
- Section 90:24V - Child endangerment
- Section 90:24W - Motor vehicle forfeiture
- Section 90:24X - Suspension or revocation of license or right to operate
- Section 90:25 - Refusal to submit to police officer
- Section 90:26 - Accident reports; supplemental report; penalty for violation
- Section 90:26A - Licenses and learner's permits; reporting changes of name and address
- Section 90:27 - Court records involving violations of laws relating to operation of motor vehicles
- Section 90:28 - Appeals and hearings
- Section 90:29 - Deputy registrar, chief deputy registrar, etc.; duties; investigation of motor vehicle accidents; suspension or revocation of licenses
- Section 90:30 - Records of registrar; certified copies; destruction
- Section 90:30A - Computer terminals under control of registrar; use restricted
- Section 90:30A 1/2 - Third party providers of automobile-related services
- Section 90:30B - Interstate compact; motor vehicle convictions
- Section 90:31 - Rules and regulations governing use and operation of motor vehicles or trailers; conduct of operators and chauffeurs
- Section 90:31A - Rules and regulations as to transportation by motor vehicle of personal property
- Section 90:32 - Records of manufacturer and dealer of motor vehicles or trailers; records of garages and open air parking space
- Section 90:32A - Restoration of original identifying number of motor vehicle; certificate
- Section 90:32C - Leasing of motor vehicles upon a mileage basis; registration of distance by mechanical device; deception by lessor or tampering by lessee prohibited; leasing to intoxicated or unlicensed persons prohibited; redelivery of vehicle
- Section 90:32D - Records required of lessors under drive-it-yourself system
- Section 90:32E - Drive-it-yourself system; operation of vehicles or use of trailers; insurance coverage
- Section 90:32E 1/2 - Rental agreements; collision damage waivers; notices; exclusions; penalties
- Section 90:32E 3/4 - Surcharges, fees or charges included in rental agreement
- Section 90:32E 7/8 - Police training surcharge
- Section 90:32F - Penalty on lessee for fraud on lessor
- Section 90:32G - Instruction for hire in operation of motor vehicles; driver school; licensing; application; fees; qualifications of applicant; suspension or revocation of license or instructor's certificate; procedures
- Section 90:32G 1/2 - Advanced driver training programs
- Section 90:32H - Lessors of motorcycles; licensing
- Section 90:32J - Car-sharing organizations; display of registration plates
- Section 90:33 - Fees
- Section 90:33A - Motor vehicles; certificates of registration; signatures
- Section 90:33B - Payment of cost for installation of traffic control signs, or safety devices and improvements, at high-accident locations in cities and towns; standards, rules and regulations; limit
- Section 90:34 - Disposition of fees
- Section 90:34 1/2 - [Repealed]
- Section 90:34A - [Applicable to motor vehicle liability policies issued or renewed before 7/1/2025] Definitions
- Section 90:34A - [Applicable to motor vehicle liability policies issued or renewed on or after 7/1/2025] Definitions
- Section 90:34B - Certificates of insurance or surety companies; contents of certificate; copies
- Section 90:34C - Single motor vehicle liability policy or bond covering several motor vehicles
- Section 90:34D - Deposit of cash with state treasurer in lieu of motor vehicle liability bond or policy; interest; payment upon execution to satisfy judgment; public auction of deposited stocks or bonds
- Section 90:34E - Receipt for and retention of cash or securities deposited
- Section 90:34F - Notice to registrar upon service of writ or summons in action against depositor
- Section 90:34G - Actions against surety company
- Section 90:34H - Revocation of registration of motor vehicle upon notice of cancellation of motor vehicle liability policy or bond; notice to owner; new certificate
- Section 90:34I - Records and books of registrar
- Section 90:34J - Operating motor vehicle without liability policy, bond or security deposit
- Section 90:34K - Cancellation of policies
- Section 90:34M - Personal injury protection
- Section 90:34N - Assigned claims plan
- Section 90:34O - [Applicable to motor vehicle liability policies issued or renewed before 7/1/2025] Property damage liability insurance or bond
- Section 90:34O - [Applicable to motor vehicle liability policies issued or renewed on or after 7/1/2025] Property damage liability insurance or bond
- Section 90:34P - Notification of law enforcement officials upon failure to provide or maintain liability policy, bond or deposit; seizure of registration plates
- Section 90:34Q - Nonowner operators, hired motor vehicles; insurance coverage by endorsements
- Section 90:34R - Estimate of cost of exterior repairs; notice
- Section 90:35 - Definitions
- Section 90:35A - Structures within airport approaches; regulation of location and height
- Section 90:35B - Structures within airport approaches; permits for erection or addition
- Section 90:35C - Structures within airport approaches; application for permit; notice of denial; hearing
- Section 90:35D - Structures within airport approaches; maintenance, repair or replacement; initial approval
- Section 90:39 - Aeronautics commission; powers; rules and regulations
- Section 90:39A - Plan for development of airports and air navigation facilities
- Section 90:39B - Certificate of approval of site for municipal airport or restricted landing area; application; hearing; issuance
- Section 90:39C - Reimbursement of towns and cities for airport construction; federal funds
- Section 90:39E - Engineering or technical services of commission to cities and towns
- Section 90:39F - Reimbursement of city or town constructing, establishing or enlarging airport
- Section 90:39G - Applicability of secs. 35 to 52 to counties
- Section 90:40 - Purposes of aeronautics commission; discretionary powers of commission; enforcement of laws
- Section 90:40A - Airport approach regulations by cities or towns
- Section 90:40B - Reasonableness of airport approach regulations
- Section 90:40C - Adoption, amendment or repeal of airport approach regulations; public hearing
- Section 90:40D - Erection, replacement or alteration of structures or trees; variance
- Section 90:40E - Administrative agency
- Section 90:40F - Removal of structures erected in violation of regulations; trees; procedure
- Section 90:40G - Protection of airport approaches; removal of structures and trees; compensation
- Section 90:40H - Appeal by aggrieved corporations
- Section 90:40I - Approval of regulations by commission
- Section 90:41 - Investigations or hearings; accidents
- Section 90:42 - Equitable jurisdiction of superior court
- Section 90:43 - Public inspection of copies of orders, rules and regulations
- Section 90:44 - Penalties
- Section 90:45 - Appeals
- Section 90:46 - Altitude of aircraft flights
- Section 90:47 - Federal pilot's license, permit or certificate
- Section 90:48 - Aircraft license, permit or certificate
- Section 90:49 - Registration of federal certificates; fees; exceptions
- Section 90:49A - Retention of court records of cases involving violations; abstracts
- Section 90:49B - Definitions of terms used in secs. 49B to 49R
- Section 90:49C - Administration and enforcement of secs. 49B to 49R; hearings; judicial review
- Section 90:49D - Accident reports; security; suspension of aircraft registration; waiver
- Section 90:49E - Policy or bond of insurer or surety company
- Section 90:49F - Restoration or renewal of registration or non-resident's operating privilege
- Section 90:49G - Certificate of self-insurance
- Section 90:49H - Certificate of registration or non-resident's operating privilege; allowance; suspension; notice
- Section 90:49I - Security; form; limits; reduction or increase
- Section 90:49J - Delivery and release of security
- Section 90:49K - Availability of information and material of commission
- Section 90:49L - Transfer of registration of aircraft after suspension of owner's registration
- Section 90:49M - Return of suspended registration certificate
- Section 90:49N - Illegal operation of aircraft; failure to return suspended registration certificate
- Section 90:49O - Application of secs. 49B to 49R to certain aircraft
- Section 90:49P - Availability of other legal processes; enforcement
- Section 90:49Q - Service of process; proof of service
- Section 90:49R - Discharge in bankruptcy
- Section 90:49S - Severability; constitutionality
- Section 90:49T - Interpretation and construction of uniform aircraft financial responsibility act
- Section 90:50 - Appointment of chairman of commission as attorney by reason of operation of aircraft
- Section 90:51D - Establishment, maintenance and operation of municipal airports and air navigation facilities
- Section 90:51E - Establishment of airport commissions for municipal airports; appointment of members; vacancies; airport managers
- Section 90:51F - Leasing of land areas at controlled airports, and of municipal airports, by commissions authorized
- Section 90:51G - Acquisition of property to establish airport; eminent domain; purchase; lease
- Section 90:51H - Charges or rentals for use of properties, facilities, installations; terms and conditions of contracts
- Section 90:51I - Power of commission to expend funds and to make contracts for maintenance, operation, construction and enlargement of airports
- Section 90:51J - Rules and regulations for safety of public beyond airport limits; approval
- Section 90:51K - Receipt of federal funds by aeronautics commission; bids for contract for establishment, construction, enlargement of airports; expenditures in anticipation of federal or state funds
- Section 90:51L - Contracts for construction, enlargement or improvement of airports by airport commission
- Section 90:51M - Exclusive contracts, permits or licenses to transport persons for hire or to receive or deliver passengers
- Section 90:51N - Establishment, maintenance and operation of airport by municipalities as joint enterprise; contents of agreement; joint airport commission
- Section 90:52 - Partial unconstitutionality and invalidity of secs. 35 to 51
- Section 90:61 - Logan Airport security zone; access; penalties
- Section 90:62 - Timely notice to police department following suspension or revocation of any certificate of registration or license issued under this chapter
- Section 90:63 - Collection and maintenance of traffic stop data; use and storage of data; analysis and report; public hearings