Chapter 465 - PHARMACY
- Section 465.001 - Short Title
- Section 465.002 - Legislative findings; intent
- Section 465.003 - Definitions
- Section 465.004 - Board of Pharmacy
- Section 465.005 - Authority to make rules
- Section 465.006 - Disposition of fees; expenditures
- Section 465.007 - [Effective Until 7/1/2025] Licensure by examination
- Section 465.007 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Licensure by examination
- Section 465.0075 - [Effective Until 7/1/2025] Licensure by endorsement; requirements; fee
- Section 465.0075 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Licensure by endorsement; requirements; fee
- Section 465.008 - Renewal of license
- Section 465.009 - Continuing professional pharmaceutical education
- Section 465.012 - Reactivation of license; continuing education
- Section 465.0125 - Consultant pharmacist license; application, renewal, fees; responsibilities; rules
- Section 465.0126 - Nuclear pharmacist license; application, renewal, fees
- Section 465.013 - Registration of pharmacy interns
- Section 465.014 - Pharmacy technician
- Section 465.015 - Violations and penalties
- Section 465.0155 - Standards of practice
- Section 465.0156 - Registration of nonresident pharmacies
- Section 465.0157 - International export pharmacy permit
- Section 465.0158 - Nonresident sterile compounding permit
- Section 465.016 - Disciplinary actions
- Section 465.0161 - Distribution of medicinal drugs without a permit
- Section 465.017 - Authority to inspect; disposal
- Section 465.018 - Community pharmacies; permits
- Section 465.0181 - Community pharmacy permit required to dispense Schedule II or Schedule III controlled substances
- Section 465.019 - Institutional pharmacies; permits
- Section 465.0193 - Nuclear pharmacy permits
- Section 465.0196 - Special pharmacy permits
- Section 465.0197 - Internet pharmacy permits
- Section 465.022 - Pharmacies; general requirements; fees
- Section 465.023 - Pharmacy permittee; disciplinary action
- Section 465.0235 - Automated pharmacy systems used by long-term care facilities, hospices, or state correctional institutions, or for outpatient dispensing
- Section 465.024 - Promoting sale of certain drugs prohibited
- Section 465.0244 - Information disclosure
- Section 465.025 - Substitution of drugs
- Section 465.0251 - Generic drugs; removal from formulary under specified circumstances
- Section 465.0252 - Substitution of interchangeable biosimilar products
- Section 465.0255 - Expiration date of medicinal drugs; display; related use and storage instructions
- Section 465.026 - Filling of certain prescriptions
- Section 465.0265 - Centralized prescription filling
- Section 465.0266 - Common database
- Section 465.027 - Exceptions
- Section 465.0275 - Emergency prescription refill
- Section 465.0276 - Dispensing practitioner
- Section 465.035 - Dispensing of medicinal drugs pursuant to facsimile of prescription
- Section 465.185 - Rebates prohibited; penalties
- Section 465.186 - Pharmacist's order for medicinal drugs; dispensing procedure; development of formulary
- Section 465.1861 - Ordering and dispensing HIV infection prevention drugs
- Section 465.1865 - Collaborative pharmacy practice for chronic health conditions
- Section 465.187 - Sale of medicinal drugs
- Section 465.188 - Medicaid audits of pharmacies
- Section 465.1885 - [Renumbered]
- Section 465.189 - Administration of vaccines and epinephrine autoinjection
- Section 465.1893 - Administration of antipsychotic medication by injection
- Section 465.1895 - Testing or screening for and treatment of minor, nonchronic health conditions
- Section 465.1901 - Practice of orthotics and pedorthics
- Section 465.1902 - Prescription Drug Donation Repository Program