- Section 1008.31 - Florida's Early Learning-20 education performance accountability system; legislative intent; mission, goals, and systemwide measures; data quality improvements
- Section 1008.32 - State Board of Education oversight enforcement authority
- Section 1008.322 - Board of Governors oversight enforcement authority
- Section 1008.33 - Authority to enforce public school improvement
- Section 1008.332 - Committee of practitioners pursuant to federal Every Student Succeeds Act
- Section 1008.34 - School grading system; school report cards; district grade
- Section 1008.341 - School improvement rating for alternative schools
- Section 1008.3415 - School grade or school improvement rating for exceptional student education centers
- Section 1008.345 - Implementation of state system of school improvement and education accountability
- Section 1008.36 - Florida School Recognition Program
- Section 1008.365 - Reading Achievement Initiative for Scholastic Excellence Act
- Section 1008.366 - The New Worlds Tutoring Program
- Section 1008.37 - Postsecondary feedback of information to high schools
- Section 1008.38 - Articulation accountability process
- Section 1008.385 - Educational planning and information systems
- Section 1008.386 - Florida student identification
- Section 1008.39 - Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program
- Section 1008.40 - Workforce Development Information System
- Section 1008.405 - Adult student information
- Section 1008.41 - Workforce education; management information system
- Section 1008.42 - Public information on career education programs
- Section 1008.43 - Career program reporting requirements
- Section 1008.44 - CAPE Industry Certification Funding List
- Section 1008.45 - Florida College System institution accountability process
- Section 1008.46 - State university accountability process
- Section 1008.47 - Postsecondary education institution accreditation