Section 5503 - Board of Examiners of Bail Enforcement Agents(a) Creation of the Board. -- The Delaware Board of Examiners of Bail Enforcement Agents is created for the protection of the general public and to carry out the functions and duties conferred on it by this chapter. (b) All legal process and all documents required by law to be serviced or filed with the Board shall be served or filed with the Chairperson at the designated office herein also referred to as the Professional Licensing Section, Division of State Police. All official records of the Board or affidavits by the Chairperson as to the content of such records shall be prima facie evidence of all matters required to be kept by the Board.(c) The Board will adhere to the Administrative Procedures Act (Chapter 101 of Title 29).(d) The Board shall: (1) Investigate alleged violations of the provision of this chapter and of any rules and regulations adopted by the Board;(2) Promulgate all rules and regulations necessary in carrying out the provisions of this chapter; and(3) Establish and enforce standards governing the safety and conduct of persons licensed under this chapter. 77 Del. Laws, c. 457, § 4.;