(a) Any municipality with a population greater than 50,000 may impose, by duly enacted ordinance, a surcharge of up to $2.50 on any admission fee of more than $10 that is charged for admission to any sporting, cultural, amusement, athletic, recreational or other entertainment event that is held within the boundaries of the municipality, which such procedures for collection and distribution to be established by duly enacted ordinance of the municipality.(b) "Sporting, cultural, athletic, recreational or other entertainment event" shall mean any such event for which any member of the general public is charged an admission fee, including theaters, amphitheaters, dance halls, auditoriums, observation towers, stadiums, athletic pavilions or fields, athletic parks, circuses, side shows, carnivals and outdoor amusement parks, but not including events held by educational institutions which require approval of the State Department of Public Education or another governmental agency that is authorized to approve, license or issue a permit for the operation of a school, and events organized for the purpose of fund raising for political campaigns for public office.74 Del. Laws, c. 121, § 1.;