Section 6 - Purposes of the corporation(1) To facilitate the comprehensive development of urban areas throughout the state and to promote the health, safety, welfare and prosperity of the people of the state by maximizing the resources, talents and energies of the private sector of the economy, by encouraging local initiative and local participation in the projects of the corporation, and by relieving the burdens of government in connection with such development.(2) In cooperation with the private sector of the economy and with federal, state and local government, to assist in providing safe and decent housing for persons and families which cannot afford the prices and rentals of housing provided through the unaided efforts of private enterprise, and in connection therewith: (a) To carry out and to facilitate the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of housing projects, as defined herein and to sell or lease such projects to families which would otherwise be unable to afford safe and decent housing accommodations.(b) To make loans or grants for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of housing projects, as defined herein and in connection therewith to provide technical advice and assistance to persons and firms undertaking such rehabilitation and to encourage new means and technologies to carry out such rehabilitation to the end that persons previously unable to enjoy the benefits of home ownership will be able to afford their own homes.(c) To utilize the state capital grant low rent assistance program, pursuant to section forty-four-a of the private housing finance law, in housing projects of the corporation, in order to increase the availability of housing accommodations for persons and families of low income.(3) In order to reduce unemployment, provide opportunities for additional and maximum employment, the creation of better job opportunities, and the improvement of individual job skills, to attract new industries to urban areas of the state and to promote the economy and prosperity of such areas, to carry out, facilitate and make loans for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of industrial plants and facilities, including the furnishing of machinery and equipment therein, manufacturing, commercial, research and warehouse and other business facilities; and to lease space in such facilities to qualified users thereof.(4) To acquire land, whether or not such land constitutes a substandard or insanitary area, for any of its corporate purposes, including the development of housing and industrial projects, as defined herein, to clear, improve and prepare such land for development, to carry out the development of such land, or to make the same available by sale, lease or otherwise to private investors and developers when such disposition is, in the judgment of the corporation, necessary or desirable for the development of the community in which such land is situated.(5) To cooperate with the private sector of the economy, including the urban development guarantee fund of New York, and with the federal, state and local governments, and agencies thereof, including the New York state urban development corporation, in order to coordinate public and private efforts in the development of urban areas throughout the state, including housing, industry and commerce, educational and recreational facilities, and transportation and other public services and facilities.(6) To encourage and facilitate, in connection with any of its projects, participation in construction work by residents of the area in which such projects are to be located, and to encourage and facilitate participation by such residents in the business operations of tenants and occupants of industrial projects of the corporation.(7) To conduct, assist, promote and encourage scientific, technological and administrative research and experimentation in the fields of low cost housing, of rehabilitating, reconstructing and renewing blighted, deteriorated and deteriorating areas, and of protecting against the hazards of unemployment and underemployment; of developing and testing and encouraging the development and testing of new methods of constructing, rehabilitating and improving low cost housing, of developing and testing and encouraging the development and testing of new methods of rehabilitating, reconstructing, and renewing blighted, deteriorated and deteriorating areas; of planning for the comprehensive development of communities; of acting as a clearing house and distributing agency of the results of such research and experimentation, and of conducting, assisting and encouraging research and experimentation on such other aspects of providing safe, sanitary and adequate low cost housing; of rehabilitating, reconstructing and renewing blighted or deteriorated and deteriorating areas, and of providing increased job opportunities as the corporation shall deem advisable.N.Y. Urban Development Research Corporation Act § 6