Part 5 - DEFAULT
- Section 2-A-501 - Default: Procedure
- Section 2-A-502 - Notice After Default
- Section 2-A-503 - Modification or Impairment of Rights and Remedies
- Section 2-A-504 - Liquidation of Damages
- Section 2-A-505 - Cancellation and Termination and Effect of Cancellation, Termination, Rescission, or Fraud on Rights and Remedies
- Section 2-A-506 - Statute of Limitations
- Section 2-A-507 - Proof of Market Rent: Time and Place
- Section 2-A-508 - Lessee's Remedies
- Section 2-A-509 - Lessee's Rights on Improper Delivery: Rightful Rejection
- Section 2-A-510 - Installment Lease Contracts: Rejection and Default
- Section 2-A-511 - Merchant Lessee's Duties as to Rightfully Rejected Goods
- Section 2-A-512 - Lessee's Duties as to Rightfully Rejected Goods
- Section 2-A-513 - Cure by Lessor of Improper Tender or Delivery; Replacement
- Section 2-A-514 - Waiver of Lessee's Objections
- Section 2-A-515 - Acceptance of Goods
- Section 2-A-516 - Effect of Acceptance of Goods; Notice of Default; Notice of Claim or Litigation to Person Answerable Over
- Section 2-A-517 - Revocation of Acceptance of Goods
- Section 2-A-518 - Cover; Substitute Goods
- Section 2-A-519 - Lessee's Damages for Non-delivery, Repudiation, Default, and Breach of Warranty in Regard to Accepted Goods
- Section 2-A-520 - Lessee's Incidental and Consequential Damages
- Section 2-A-521 - Lessee's Right to Specific Performance or Replevin
- Section 2-A-522 - Lessee's Right to Goods on Lessor's Insolvency
- Section 2-A-523 - Lessor's Remedies
- Section 2-A-524 - Lessor's Right to Identify Goods to Lease Contract
- Section 2-A-525 - Lessor's Right to Possession of Goods
- Section 2-A-526 - Lessor's Stoppage of Delivery in Transit or Otherwise
- Section 2-A-527 - Lessor's Rights to Dispose of Goods
- Section 2-A-528 - Lessor's Damages for Non-acceptance, Failure to Pay, Repudiation, or Other Default
- Section 2-A-529 - Lessor's Action for the Rent
- Section 2-A-530 - Lessor's Incidental Damages
- Section 2-A-531 - Standing to Sue Third Parties for Injury to Goods
- Section 2-A-532 - Lessor's Rights to Residual Interest