Section 406 - Time, place and notice of corporate meetings(a) The annual corporate meeting of every society incorporated under this article shall be held at the time and place fixed by its by-laws, or if no time and place be so fixed, then at a time and place to be first fixed by its trustees, but to be changed only by a by-law adopted at an annual meeting. A special corporate meeting of any such society may be called by the board of trustees thereof, on its own motion, and shall be called on the written request of at least ten qualified voters of such society and in such other manner as the by-laws may prescribe.
(b) The notices of any annual or special meeting shall state the time and place where it is to be held and shall be mailed to each member entitled to vote not less than ten nor more than fifty days before the meeting. Notices shall be mailed to each member at the address which appears on the books or records of the corporation. The by-laws may provide for additional methods of giving notice.(c) Notice of any special meeting shall state the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called and no business shall be transacted at such special meeting except that contained in such notice.(d) Any provision in the statute or a by-law that a particular action can be taken only at a meeting "called for that purpose" shall be deemed to require notice of such purpose as provided in this section four hundred six. This does not preclude the transaction of other business at the same meeting if the notice so states.N.Y. Relig. Corp. Law § 406