Section 1951 - Extinguishment of non-substantial restrictions on the use of land1. No restriction on the use of land created at any time by covenant, promise or negative easement, or created on or after September 1, 1958, by a special limitation or condition subsequent governed by section 1953, shall be enforced by injunction or judgment compelling a conveyance of the land burdened by the restriction or an interest therein, nor shall such restriction be declared or determined to be enforceable, if, at the time the enforceability of the restriction is brought in question, it appears that the restriction is of no actual and substantial benefit to the persons seeking its enforcement or seeking a declaration or determination of its enforceability, either because the purpose of the restriction has already been accomplished or, by reason of changed conditions or other cause, its purpose is not capable of accomplishment, or for any other reason.2. When relief against such a restriction is sought in an action to quiet title or to obtain a declaration with respect to enforceability of the restriction or to determine an adverse claim arising from the restriction, or is sought by way of defense or counterclaim in an action to enforce the restriction or to obtain a declaration with respect to its enforceability, if the court shall find that the restriction is of no actual and substantial benefit to the persons seeking its enforcement or seeking a declaration or determination of its enforceability, either because the purpose of the restriction has already been accomplished or, by reason of changed conditions or other cause, its purpose is not capable of accomplishment, or for any other reason, it may adjudge that the restriction is not enforceable by injunction or as provided in subdivision 2 of section 1953 and that it shall be completely extinguished upon payment, to the person or persons who would otherwise be entitled to enforce it in the event of a breach at the time of the action, of such damages, if any, as such person or persons will sustain from the extinguishment of the restriction.N.Y. Real Prop. Acts. Law § 1951