All real property required by any railroad corporation for the construction, maintenance and accommodation of its railroad shall be deemed to be required for a public use, and may be acquired by such corporation. If the corporation is unable to agree for the purchase of any such real property, or of any right, interest or easement therein, required for any such purpose, or if the owner thereof shall be incapable of selling the same, or if after diligent search and inquiry the name and residence of any such owner cannot be ascertained, it shall have the right to acquire title thereto by condemnation. Every railroad corporation shall have the power from time to time to make and use upon or in connection with any railroad either owned or operated by it, such additions, betterments and facilities as may be necessary or convenient for the better management, maintenance or operation of any such railroad, and shall have the right by purchase or by condemnation, to acquire any real property required therefor, and it shall also have the right of condemnation in the following additional cases:
Waters commonly used for domestic, agricultural or manufacturing purposes, shall not be taken by condemnation to such an extent as to injuriously interfere with such use in future. No railroad corporation shall have the right to acquire by condemnation any right or easement in or to any real property owned or occupied by any other railroad corporation, except the right to intersect or cross the tracks and lands owned or held for right of way by such other corporation, without appropriating or affecting any lands owned or held for depots or gravel-beds.
Whenever any real property is required by any steam surface railroad corporation, the lines of which within this state are situated wholly within a city of over one million inhabitants, for the purposes mentioned in this section, it shall be a condition precedent to the bringing, or, if heretofore brought, to the continuing of condemnation proceedings by any railroad corporation to acquire said real property that it procure the consent of the commissioner to acquire such real property, and unless such consent is given and procured the said property shall not be condemned. The last preceding requirement shall apply to all proceedings pending at the time this amendment takes effect.
N.Y. R.R. Law § 17