N.Y. Ins. Law § 4101
In this article:
fire (4);
burglary and theft (7);
glass (8);
boiler and machinery (9);
elevator (10);
animal (11);
personal injury liability (13);
property damage liability (14) - basic as to stock companies only;
workers' compensation and employers' liability (15);
fidelity and surety (16);
credit (17);
marine and inland marine (20);
marine protection and indemnity (21) - basic as to mutual companies only.
accident and health (item (i) of (3));
non-cancellable disability (item (ii) of (3));
miscellaneous property (5);
water damage (6);
collision (12);
property damage liability (14) - non-basic as to mutual companies only;
motor vehicle and aircraft physical damage (19);
inland marine as specified in marine and inland marine (20);
marine protection and indemnity (21) - non-basic as to stock companies only;
residual value (22);
credit unemployment (24);
gap (26);
prize indemnification (27);
service contract reimbursement (28);
legal services insurance (29);
involuntary unemployment insurance (30);
salary protection insurance (31);
donor medical expense insurance (32);
excess business disability insurance (33);
parametric insurance (34).
N.Y. Ins. Law § 4101