N.Y. High. Law § 342-J
Portion of the state highway system to be designated and known as the "Revolutionary Trail". All that portion of the state highway system beginning at Port Ontario, continuing southeast on route thirteen through Pulaski, Pineville, Altmar, and Westdale to route sixty-nine in Camden; continuing southeast on route sixty-nine to the route forty-six, sixty-nine, forty-nine overlap in Rome; continuing southeast on the route forty-six, sixty-nine, forty-nine overlap and the route twenty-six, sixty-nine, forty-nine overlap to the route sixty-nine and three hundred sixty-five overlap south of Rome; continuing east on route forty-nine to route five in Utica; continuing east on route five through Utica, Herkimer, Amsterdam, Schenectady and Albany; continuing east on route five and State street through Albany; continuing east on State street to Broadway, terminating at Broadway in Albany.
N.Y. High. Law § 342-J