All contracts for such state capital grants shall be subject to approval by the state comptroller, and by the attorney general as to form. The commissioner may make advances or progress payments on account of any state capital grant contracted to be made pursuant to this section and such advances or payments shall not constitute periodic subsidies.
No such contract or advance shall be made (a) before an urban renewal area, to whose residents such relocation housing relates, has been designated pursuant to section five hundred four of this article; (b) unless the governing body has certified that the preparation of preliminary plans for such relocation housing is necessary to the making of a finding, pursuant to section five hundred five of this article, as to the existence of a feasible method of relocation; and (c) in excess of the lowest of the following amounts:
A community renewal program may include, without being limited to (1) the identification of slum areas or blighted, deteriorated, or deteriorating areas in the community, (2) the measurement of the nature and degree of blight and blighting factors within such areas, (3) determination of the financial, relocation, and other resources needed and available to renew such areas, (4) the identification of potential project areas and, where feasible, types of urban renewal action contemplated within such areas, and (5) scheduling or programming of urban renewal activities.
N.Y. Gen. Mun. Law § 510