Section 741-D - [Effective 6/19/2025] Prohibited actsAn automobile broker business is prohibited from:
1. advertising that such automobile broker business has any new automobile in stock; 2. advertising any price figure in an advertisement unless such figure represents the actual price of the advertised automobile, exclusive of registration and titles, fees and taxes; 3. starting, completing, or answering any portion of a financing or credit application or the lease or purchase agreement of an automobile, on behalf of a consumer or dealer, without including on or affixing to such application or agreement, the name and registration number of the automobile broker business; and4. accepting any payment other than that disclosed under section seven hundred thirty-eight or seven hundred forty-one-b of this article, whether from the dealer or buyer of the automobile.N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law § 741-D
Added by New York Laws 2024, ch. 610,Sec. 10, eff. 6/19/2025.