N.Y. Financial Services Law § 205
The superintendent shall establish an insurance division and a banking division. The superintendent may establish such other bureaus, divisions, and other units within the department as may be necessary for the administration and operation of the department and the proper exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties, under this chapter, and may, from time to time, consolidate or abolish such divisions, bureaus or other units within the department. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the superintendent may determine the official functions of each division, bureau, or other unit within the department. There shall be a head of each bureau, division or other unit to be appointed by the superintendent, who shall serve at the pleasure of the superintendent, except as may be otherwise provided by the civil service law. The heads of bureaus, divisions or units in the banking and insurance departments who are in office when this chapter takes effect shall continue in office at the pleasure of the superintendent, except as may be otherwise provided by the civil service law.
N.Y. Financial Services Law § 205