Section 996 - Community advisory board for the modernization and revitalization of SUNY Downstate health sciences university1. Advisory board established. (a) There shall be established the advisory board for the modernization and revitalization of SUNY Downstate (hereinafter referred to as "the advisory board"). The advisory board shall review and examine a variety of options to strengthen SUNY Downstate and promote longer term viability for its dual education and healthcare mission. In conducting its study, the advisory board will consider the following factors: (i) Overall healthcare service delivery trends and models;(ii) Historic and projected financials for the hospital and the campus;(iii) Current state of building infrastructure and capital needs;(iv) Community healthcare needs, outcomes, and health disparities;(v) Existing inpatient and outpatient service offerings and health outcomes;(vi) Capacity and availability of inpatient and outpatient services in the broader primary and secondary service areas;(vii) Efficiency of operations and quality of healthcare services benchmarking; and(viii) Training needs for students and employment outcomes.2. Advisory board members. The advisory board shall consist of the following members: (a) the commissioner of the department of health; (b) one representative of organized labor representing employees at the state university of New York pursuant to article fourteen of the civil service law, who shall be appointed by the governor upon recommendation of the president of the union representing the greatest number of employees at SUNY Downstate; (c) one member appointed by the temporary president of the senate; (d) one member appointed by the speaker of the assembly; (e) three members appointed by the governor; (f) one member appointed by the governor upon the joint recommendation of Brooklyn community boards 9 and 17; and (g) the chancellor of the state university of New York.3. Outreach. The advisory board shall solicit recommendations from healthcare experts, county health departments, community-based organizations, state and regional healthcare industry associations, labor unions, experts in hospital operations, and other interested parties. The advisory board shall hold no less than three public hearings with requisite public notice to solicit input and recommendations from any interested party.4. Compensation. The members of the advisory board shall receive no compensation for their service as members, but shall be allowed their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.5. Recommendations and report. (a) The advisory board shall complete a study and provide written recommendations to prioritize healthcare services provided in the SUNY Downstate service area. The written recommendations shall include a reasonable, scalable and fiscally responsible plan for the financial health, viability and sustainability of SUNY Downstate; provided, however, that such plan shall incorporate utilization of all available state and federally available appropriated amounts, and shall not exceed more than two hundred fifty percent of such amounts.(b) A report of the advisory board's recommendations shall be provided to the governor, the temporary president of the senate, and the speaker of the assembly no later than April first, two thousand twenty-five.6. Certificate of need. The public health and health planning council and the commissioner of health are prohibited from reviewing or approving any certificate of need application related to a reduction in inpatient services pursuant to any article of law or regulation that may affect a change to inpatient services at SUNY Downstate health sciences university until at least April first, two thousand twenty-five.Added by New York Laws 2024, ch. 57,Sec. MM-1, eff. 4/20/2024.