Section 534-U - Revocation of licenses and registrations In addition to the grounds elsewhere set forth in this article, any license or registration issued or made pursuant thereto may be revoked or suspended for such period as the commission deems in the public interest or the licensee or registrant may be reprimanded, for:
1. Conviction of any crime or offense in relation to gambling if the crime or offense was committed at or on a pier or other waterfront terminal or within five hundred feet thereof;2. Willful commission of, or willful attempt to commit at or on a waterfront terminal or adjacent highway, any act of physical injury to any other person or of willful damage to or misappropriation of any other person's property, unless justified or excused by law;3. Receipt or solicitation of anything of value from any person other than a licensee's or registrant's employer as consideration for the selection or retention for employment of such licensee or registrant;4. Coercion of a licensee or registrant to make purchases from or to utilize the services of any person;5. Refusal to answer any material question or produce any evidence lawfully required to be answered or produced at any investigation, interview or other proceeding conducted by the commission pursuant to the provisions of this act, or, if such refusal is accompanied by a valid plea of privilege against self-incrimination, refusal to obey an order to answer such question or produce such evidence made by the commission pursuant to the provisions of subdivision one of section five hundred thirty-four-v of this article;6. Association with a person who has been identified by a federal, state, or local law enforcement agency as a member or associate of an organized crime group, a terrorist group, or a career offender cartel, or who is a career offender, under circumstances where such association creates a reasonable belief that the participation of the applicant in any activity required to be licensed under this act would be inimical to the policies of this article, provided however that association without the requisite showing of inimicality as set forth herein shall be insufficient grounds for revocation; or7. Conviction of a racketeering activity or knowing association with a person who has been convicted of a racketeering activity by a court of the United States or any state or territory thereof under circumstances where such association creates a reasonable belief that the participation of the applicant in any activity required to be licensed under this act would be inimical to the policies of this article, provided, however, that association without the requisite showing of inimicality as set forth herein shall be insufficient grounds for revocation.Added by New York Laws 2024, ch. 58,Sec. L-2, eff. 6/30/2024.