Section 5-710 - Check of registrants; personal1. A special door to door check of all the registered voters in any or all of the election districts including election districts previously checked shall be conducted in any year upon the written filed request of any one member of the board of elections. The board of elections shall employ a sufficient number of employees for the purpose of conducting such checks.2. The board shall supply such employees with copies of the most recent registration list prepared for such election district under check as corrected by the board to reflect new registrations and cancellations occurring since the publication thereof. Such check shall be performed by two employees of the board representing the major political parties and they shall submit to the board of elections on or before a date fixed by the board, a report signed by each of them. Such signed report shall be accepted for all purposes as the equivalent of an affidavit, and if it contains any material false statement, shall subject the persons who sign the report to the same penalties as if each had been duly sworn and such provision shall be printed in bold type directly above the signature lines on such report. At the end of the ensuing period of local registration in such years, the board of elections shall forthwith prepare a supplementary list of all voters registered for the first time during such period of local registration in the election districts so canvassed and shall direct the conduct of a similar check of all such voters.3. Whenever it appears from the report that a registered voter is no longer qualified the board shall proceed in the manner prescribed by section 5-402 of this article.