Section 168-C - Sex offender; relocation; notification1. In the case of any sex offender, it shall be the duty of the department, hospital or local correctional facility at least ten calendar days prior to the release or discharge of any sex offender from a correctional facility, hospital or local correctional facility to notify the division of the contemplated release or discharge of such sex offender, informing the division in writing on a form provided by the division indicating the address at which he or she proposes to reside and the name and address of any institution of higher education at which he or she expects to be enrolled, attending or employed, whether for compensation or not, and whether he or she resides in or will reside in a facility owned or operated by such institution. If such sex offender changes his or her place of residence while on parole, such notification of the change of residence shall be sent by the sex offender's parole officer within forty-eight hours to the division on a form provided by the division. If such sex offender changes the status of his or her enrollment, attendance, employment or residence at any institution of higher education while on parole, such notification of the change of status shall be sent by the sex offender's parole officer within forty-eight hours to the division on a form provided by the division.2. In the case of any sex offender on probation, it shall be the duty of the sex offender's probation officer to notify the division within forty-eight hours of the new place of residence on a form provided by the division. If such sex offender changes the status of his or her enrollment, attendance, employment or residence at any institution of higher education while on probation, such notification of the change of status shall be sent by the sex offender's probation officer within forty-eight hours to the division on a form provided by the division.3. In the case in which any sex offender escapes from a state or local correctional facility or hospital, the designated official of the facility or hospital where the person was confined shall notify within twenty-four hours the law enforcement agency having had jurisdiction at the time of his or her conviction, informing such law enforcement agency of the name and aliases of the person, and the address at which he or she resided at the time of his or her conviction, the amount of time remaining to be served, if any, on the full term for which he or she was sentenced, and the nature of the crime for which he or she was sentenced, transmitting at the same time a copy of such sex offender's fingerprints and photograph and a summary of his or her criminal record.4. The division shall provide general information, in registration materials and annual correspondence, to registrants concerning notification and registration procedures that may apply if the registrant is authorized to relocate and relocates to another state or United States possession, or commences employment or attendance at an education institution in another state or United States possession. Such information shall include addresses and telephone numbers for relevant agencies from which additional information may be obtained.