N.Y. Cannabis Law § 79
All licensed or permitted premises, regardless of the type of premises, and all records including but not limited to financial statements and corporate documents, shall be subject to inspection by the office, by the duly authorized representatives of the board, by any peace officer acting pursuant to his or her special duties, or by a police officer. The board shall make reasonable accommodations so that ordinary business is not interrupted and safety and security procedures are not compromised by the inspection. A person who holds a license or permit must make himself or herself, or an agent thereof, available and present for any inspection required by the board. Such inspection may include, but is not limited to, ensuring compliance by the licensee or permittee with all of the requirements of this article, the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, and other applicable state and local building codes, fire, health, safety, and other applicable regulations.
N.Y. Cannabis Law § 79