Section 69 - Adult-use processor license1. A processor's license shall authorize the acquisition, possession, processing and sale of cannabis from the licensed premises of the adult-use cultivator by such licensee to duly licensed processors or distributors. A person holding an adultuse processor's license may apply for, and obtain, one distributor's license solely for the distribution of their own products.2. For purposes of this section, processing shall include, but not be limited to, blending, extracting, infusing, packaging, labeling, branding and otherwise making or preparing cannabis products. Processing shall not include the cultivation of cannabis.3. No processor shall be engaged in any other business on the premises to be licensed; except that a person issued an adult-use cannabis cultivator, processor, and/or distributor license or a processor who has also been issued a hemp grower license by the department of agriculture and markets or a cannabinoid hemp processor license under this chapter may hold and operate all issued licenses on the same premises.4. No cannabis processor licensee may hold more than one cannabis processor license provided a single license may authorize processor activities at multiple locations, as set out in regulations by the board.5. No adult-use cannabis processor shall have a direct or indirect interest, including by stock ownership, interlocking directors, mortgage or lien, personal or real property, management agreement, share parent companies or affiliated organizations or any other means, in any premises licensed as an adult-use cannabis retail dispensary or in any business licensed as an adult-use cannabis retail dispensary or in any registered organization registered pursuant to article three of this chapter.6. Adult-use processor licensees are subject to minimum operating requirements as determined by the board in regulation.Amended by New York Laws 2022 , ch. 18, Sec. 3, eff. 2/22/2022.Added by New York Laws 2021 , ch. 92, Sec. 2, eff. 3/31/2021.