Section 164 - Control and eradication of injurious insects, noxious weeds, and plant diseases1. The commissioner shall take such action as he may deem necessary to control or eradicate any injurious insects, noxious weeds, or plant diseases existing within the state.2. All trees, shrubs, plants and vines or other material, including soil infected or infested with injurious insects or plant diseases, or which have been exposed to injurious insects or plant diseases, or which are hosts of such insects or plant diseases or other material including soil, and noxious weeds are hereby declared public nuisances and may be destroyed or ordered destroyed by the commissioner.3. The commissioner may order the owner or person in charge of any infected or infested trees, shrubs, plants and vines or other material including soil or host plants, and noxious weeds or the owner or person in charge of the farm or premises upon which they have been grown or on which they exist or in which they have been stored, or of the vehicles or cars in which they have been conveyed, to take such measures to eradicate or control the said infestation, infection, or noxious weeds as the commissioner may deem necessary or proper. Such orders may be communicated by personal service, service through the mails, or by newspaper publication, as the commissioner deems expedient. Such owner or person in charge shall promptly carry out the order of the commissioner within the period of time designated in the order. If such owner or person in charge shall refuse or neglect to carry out any such order, the commissioner may apply such eradication or control measures at the expense of the owner. Upon the completion of such eradication or control measures the owner shall, upon demand of the commissioner, forthwith pay the cost thereof into the state treasury, and upon his neglect or refusal so to do, the amount thereof shall be recovered in a civil action to be brought and prosecuted by the attorney-general in the name of the people of the state.N.Y. Agric. and Mkts.Law § 164