1. The commissioner shall make his determination and enter an order accordingly. The commissioner may agreeably to the best interest of the state and in his discretion, if he deems it just to all persons interested, execute in the name of the state, a release on such terms and conditions as the commissioner deems just, releasing to such person or persons as he shall have determined entitled thereto the interest of the state in such real property so sought to be released.2. A conveyance so made to any such person who is a parent, child, surviving husband or widow of any such owner of any interest therein immediately prior to the escheat, or the heirs-at-law of any such surviving husband or widow, or the alleged grantee or any person or of any association or body, whether incorporated or not, who or which would have succeeded by devise or otherwise to the title of such person but for a legal incapacity to take or convey the property so escheated shall be without consideration, if the value, at the date of the petition, as determined by the commissioner, of all property of any such owner escheated to the state and not conveyed or released by the state, shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars, and of the property sought to be released shall not exceed ten thousand dollars, except that any and all expenses incurred by the state in an action to recover the property escheated or in any action pertaining thereto, or otherwise relating to the escheated property shall be paid by such person. Where however, the value of the property sought to be released shall exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars the commissioner may release the same to such person upon the payment of the appraised value in excess of ten thousand dollars and in addition thereto the expenses incurred by the state in an action to recover the property as aforementioned.3. The release shall contain a brief recital of the determinations required to be made by the commissioner on the hearing of the petition, remonstrance or remonstrances, and of all the terms and conditions on which the release is made.N.Y. Aband. Prop.Law § 208