Section 18-6-302 - Aggravated incest(1) A person commits aggravated incest when he or she knowingly: (a) Marries his or her natural child or inflicts sexual penetration or sexual intrusion on or subjects to sexual contact, as defined in section 18-3-401, his or her natural child, stepchild, or child by adoption, but this paragraph (a) shall not apply when the person is legally married to the stepchild or child by adoption. For the purpose of this paragraph (a) only, "child" means a person under twenty-one years of age.(b) Marries, inflicts sexual penetration or sexual intrusion on, or subjects to sexual contact, as defined in section 18-3-401, a descendant, a brother or sister of the whole or half blood, or an uncle, aunt, nephew, or niece of the whole blood who is under ten years of age.(2) Aggravated incest is a class 3 felony.(3) When a person is convicted, pleads nolo contendere, or receives a deferred sentence for a violation of the provisions of this section and the court knows the person is a current or former employee of a school district in this state or holds a license or authorization pursuant to the provisions of article 60.5 of title 22, C.R.S., the court shall report such fact to the department of education.L. 71: R&RE, p. 448, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 40-6-302. L. 77: (1) amended, p. 965, § 35, effective July 1. L. 83: Entire section added, p. 695, § 7, effective June 15. L. 90: (3) added, p. 1026, § 8, effective July 1. L. 2000: (3) amended, p. 1847, § 33, effective August 2.