Article 19 - Actions by the Commonwealth
- Section 8.01-196 - Comptroller to institute proceedings
- Section 8.01-197 - In what name; when not to abate
- Section 8.01-198 - Action, against whom instituted
- Section 8.01-199 - Judgment, nature of
- Section 8.01-200 - Mistakes against State corrected
- Section 8.01-201 - Execution; real estate to be sold
- Section 8.01-202 - Execution, to whom issued
- Section 8.01-203 - Goods and chattels liable before real estate
- Section 8.01-204 - Notice of sale of real estate; when sale to be made
- Section 8.01-205 - How sale made
- Section 8.01-206 - Terms of sale
- Section 8.01-207 - Who to collect purchase money and make deed; disposition of proceeds of sale
- Section 8.01-208 - When successor of officer to make deed
- Section 8.01-209 - Bond for purchase money to have force of judgment
- Section 8.01-210 - Judgment against deceased obligors
- Section 8.01-211 - When venditioni exponas issued to sheriff of adjacent county; what to contain
- Section 8.01-212 - Officer to deliver to sheriff goods and chattels levied on
- Section 8.01-213 - Where same to be sold
- Section 8.01-214 - Where real estate to be sold
- Section 8.01-215 - Return of officer when sale not made because of prior encumbrance
- Section 8.01-216 - Comptroller's power to adjust old claims