Article 15 - Improvements
- Section 8.01-166 - How defendant may apply therefor, and have judgment suspended
- Section 8.01-167 - How damages of plaintiff assessed
- Section 8.01-168 - For what time
- Section 8.01-169 - How value of improvements determined in favor of defendant
- Section 8.01-170 - If allowance for improvements exceed damages, what to be done
- Section 8.01-171 - Verdict for balance, after offsetting damages against improvements
- Section 8.01-172 - Balance for defendant a lien on the land
- Section 8.01-173 - How tenant for life, paying for improvements, reimbursed
- Section 8.01-174 - Exception as to mortgagees and trustees
- Section 8.01-175 - When plaintiff may require his estate only to be valued; how determined; how he may elect to relinquish his title to defendant
- Section 8.01-176 - How payment of such value to be made by defendant; when land sold therefor
- Section 8.01-177 - When such value to be deemed real estate
- Section 8.01-178 - When and how defendant, if evicted, may recover from plaintiff amount paid