Va. Code § 65.2-605
"Burn center" means a treatment facility designated as a burn center pursuant to the verification program jointly administered by the American Burn Association and the American College of Surgeons and verified by the Commonwealth.
"Categories of providers of fee scheduled medical services" means:
"Codes" means, as applicable, CPT codes, HCPCS codes, DRG classifications, or revenue codes.
"CPT codes" means the medical and surgical identifying codes using the Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology published by the American Medical Association.
"Diagnosis related group" or "DRG" means the system of classifying in-patient hospital stays adopted for use with the Inpatient Prospective Payment System.
"Fee scheduled medical service" means a medical service exclusive of a medical service provided in the treatment of a traumatic injury or serious burn.
"Health Care Common Procedure Coding System codes" or "HCPCS codes" means the medical coding system, including all subsets of codes by alphabetical letter, used to report hospital outpatient and certain physician services as published by the National Uniform Billing Committee, including Temporary National Code (Non-Medicare) S0000-S-9999.
"Level I or Level II trauma center" means a hospital in the Commonwealth designated by the Board of Health as a Level I trauma center or a Level II trauma center pursuant to the Statewide Emergency Medical Services Plan developed in accordance with § 32.1-111.3.
"Medical community" means one of the following six regions of the Commonwealth:
The applicable community for providers of medical services rendered in the Commonwealth shall be determined by the zip code of the location where the services were rendered. The applicable community for providers of medical services rendered outside of the Commonwealth shall be determined by the zip code of the principal place of business of the employer if located in the Commonwealth or, if no such location exists, the zip code of the location where the Commission hearing regarding a dispute concerning the services would be conducted.
"Medical service" means any medical, surgical, or hospital service required to be provided to an injured person pursuant to this title.
"Medical service provided for the treatment of a serious burn" includes any professional service rendered during the dates of service of the admission or transfer to a burn center.
"Medical service provided for the treatment of a traumatic injury" includes any professional service rendered during the dates of service of the admission or transfer to a Level I or Level II trauma center.
"Miscellaneous items" means medical services provided under this title that are not included within subdivisions 1 through 6 of the definition of categories of providers of fee scheduled medical services. "Miscellaneous items" does not include (i) pharmaceuticals that are dispensed by providers, other than hospitals or Type One teaching hospitals as part of inpatient or outpatient medical services, or dispensed as part of fee scheduled medical services at an ambulatory surgical center or (ii) durable medical equipment dispensed at retail.
"New type of technology" means an item resulting or derived from an advance in medical technology, including an implantable medical device or an item of medical equipment, that is supplied by a third party, provided that the item has been cleared or approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) after the transition date and prior to the date of the provision of the medical service using the item.
"Physician" means a person licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy in the Commonwealth pursuant to Chapter 29 (§ 54.1-2900 et seq.) of Title 54.1.
"Professional service" means any medical or surgical service required to be provided to an injured person pursuant to this title that is provided by a physician or any health care practitioner licensed, accredited, or certified to perform the service consistent with state law.
"Provider" means a person licensed by the Commonwealth to provide a medical service to a claimant under this title.
"Reimbursement objective" means the average of all reimbursements and other amounts paid to providers in the same category of providers of fee scheduled medical services in the same medical community for providing a fee scheduled medical service to a claimant under this title during the most recent period preceding the transition date for which statistically reliable data is available as determined by the Commission.
"Revenue codes" means a method of coding used by hospitals or health care systems to identify the department in which medical service was rendered to the patient or the type of item or equipment used in the delivery of medical services.
"Serious burn" means a burn for which admission or transfer to a burn center is medically necessary.
"Transition date" means the date the regulations of the Commission adopting initial Virginia fee schedules for medical services pursuant to subsection C become effective.
"Traumatic injury" means an injury for which admission or transfer to a Level I or Level II trauma center is medically necessary and that is assigned a DRG number of 003, 004, 011, 012, 013, 025 through 029, 082, 085, 453, 454, 455, 459, 460, 463, 464, 465, 474, 475, 483, 500, 507, 510, 515, 516, 570, 856, 857, 862, 901, 904, 907, 908, 955 through 959, 963, 998, or 999. Claimants who die in an emergency room of trauma or burn before admission shall be deemed to be claimants who incurred a traumatic injury.
"Type One teaching hospital" means a hospital that was a state-owned teaching hospital on January 1, 1996.
"Virginia fee schedule" means a schedule of maximum fees for fee scheduled medical services for the medical community where the fee scheduled medical service is provided, as initially adopted by the Commission pursuant to subsection C and as adjusted as provided in subsection D.
Va. Code § 65.2-605