Va. Code § 65.2-102
"Firefighter" means all (i) salaried firefighters, including special forest wardens designated pursuant to § 10.1-1135, emergency medical services personnel, and arson investigators and (ii) volunteer firefighters and emergency medical services personnel, if the governing body of the political subdivision in which the principal office of such volunteer fire company or volunteer emergency medical services agency is located has adopted a resolution acknowledging such volunteer fire company or volunteer emergency medical services agency as employees for purposes of this title.
"Law-enforcement officer" means all (i) members of county, city, town, or authority police departments, (ii) sheriffs and deputy sheriffs, (iii) auxiliary or reserve police and auxiliary or reserve deputy sheriffs, if the governing body of the political subdivision in which the principal office of such auxiliary or reserve police and auxiliary or reserve deputy sheriff force is located has adopted a resolution acknowledging such auxiliary or reserve police and auxiliary or reserve deputy sheriffs as employees for purposes of this title, (iv) members of the State Police Officers' Retirement System, and (v) members of the Capitol Police as described in § 30-34.2:1.
Va. Code § 65.2-102