If the restaurant is located on the premises of a hotel or motel with no fewer than four permanent bedrooms where food and beverage service is customarily provided by the restaurant in designated areas, bedrooms, and other private rooms of such hotel or motel, such licensee may (a) sell and serve mixed beverages for consumption in such designated areas, bedrooms, and other private rooms and (b) sell spirits packaged in original closed containers purchased from the Board for on-premises consumption to registered guests and at scheduled functions of such hotel or motel only in such bedrooms or private rooms. However, with regard to a hotel classified as a resort complex, the Board may authorize the sale and on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages in all areas within the resort complex deemed appropriate by the Board. Nothing herein shall prohibit any person from keeping and consuming his own lawfully acquired spirits in bedrooms or private rooms.
If the restaurant is located on the premises of and operated by a private, nonprofit, or profit club exclusively for its members and their guests, or members of another private, nonprofit, or profit club in another city with which it has an agreement for reciprocal dining privileges, such license shall also authorize the licensees to (1) sell and serve mixed beverages for on-premises consumption and (2) sell spirits that are packaged in original closed containers with a maximum capacity of two fluid ounces or 50 milliliters and purchased from the Board for on-premises consumption. Where such club prepares no food in its restaurant but purchases its food requirements from a restaurant licensed by the Board and located on another portion of the premises of the same hotel or motel building, this fact shall not prohibit the granting of a license by the Board to such club qualifying in all other respects. The club's gross receipts from the sale of nonalcoholic beverages consumed on the premises and food resold to its members and guests and consumed on the premises shall amount to at least 45 percent of its gross receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and food. The food sales made by a restaurant to such a club shall be excluded in any consideration of the qualifications of such restaurant for a license from the Board.
If the restaurant is located on the premises of and operated by a municipal golf course, the Board shall recognize the seasonal nature of the business and waive any applicable monthly food sales requirements for those months when weather conditions may reduce patronage of the golf course, provided that prepared food, including meals, is available to patrons during the same months. The gross receipts from the sale of food cooked, or prepared, and consumed on the premises and nonalcoholic beverages served on the premises, after the issuance of such license, shall amount to at least 45 percent of the gross receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and food on an annualized basis.
If the restaurant is located on the premises of and operated by a culinary lodging resort, such license shall authorize the licensee to (A) sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption, without regard to the amount of gross receipts from the sale of food prepared and consumed on the premises, in areas upon the licensed premises approved by the Board and other designated areas of the resort, including outdoor areas under the control of the licensee, and (B) permit the possession and consumption of lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages by persons to whom overnight lodging is being provided in bedrooms and private guest rooms.
If the restaurant is located on the premises of a mixed beverage casino licensee owned by an operator licensed under Article 3 (§ 58.1-4108 et seq.) of Chapter 41 of Title 58.1, such mixed beverage restaurant license shall authorize the licensee to sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption on the licensed premises of the restaurant during all hours of operation of the mixed beverage casino licensee. Any alcoholic beverages purchased from such restaurant may be (I) taken onto the premises of the mixed beverage casino licensee and (II) possessed or consumed in areas designated by the Board, after consultation with the mixed beverage casino licensee. Designated areas may include any areas on the premises of the mixed beverage casino licensee, including entertainment venues, conference rooms, private rooms, hotels, pools, marinas, or green spaces. Alcoholic beverages purchased from a restaurant pursuant to this subdivision shall be contained in glassware or a paper, plastic, or similar disposable container that clearly displays the name or logo of the restaurant from which the alcoholic beverage was purchased.
The granting of a license pursuant to this subdivision shall automatically authorize the licensee to obtain a license to sell and serve wine and beer for on-premises consumption and in closed containers for off-premises consumption; however, the licensee shall be required to pay the local fee required for such additional license pursuant to § 4.1-233.1.
For the purposes of this subdivision:
"Financial institution" means any bank, trust company, savings institution, industrial loan association, consumer finance company, or credit union.
"Passenger lounge" means any restricted-access passenger waiting room or lounge leased to persons by the applicable airport authority in which food and beverage services are provided to ticketed passengers.
A mixed beverage casino licensee may (a) provide patrons gifts of alcoholic beverages in closed containers for personal consumption off the licensed premises or in areas designated by the Board, after consultation with the mixed beverage casino licensee, and (b) enable patrons who participate in a loyalty or reward credit program to redeem credits for the purchase of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. A summary of the operation of such loyalty or reward credit program shall be provided to the Board upon request.
A mixed beverage casino license may only be issued to a casino gaming establishment owned by an operator licensed under Article 3 (§ 58.1-4108 et seq.) of Chapter 41 of Title 58.1.
Va. Code § 4.1-206.3