For a testimonial, including seal tax.................................... | $10.00 |
For each authentication after the first testimonial for documents bearing the testament by the same person on the same date, including seal tax... | 5.00 |
For a copy of any paper, if on one sheet................................. | 1.00 |
And for each sheet after the first....................................... | .75 |
For issuing a commission to a commissioner in another state.............. | 7.00 |
For power of attorney for nonresident insurers, contractors............... | 3.00 |
For service of process on parties, each defendant........................ | 19.00 |
For service of process on reciprocal insurers............................. | 7.00 |
For registration of name, badge and insignia............................ | 7.50 |
For affixing the Seal of the Commonwealth............................. | 2.00 |
For issuing a commission to a notary for the Commonwealth at large, including seal tax.................................................. | 35.00 |
For issuing a commission to an electronic notary public................... | 35.00 |
And for filing in his office any paper required by law to be filed, the same fee as is allowed by law for recording similar papers.
Va. Code § 2.2-409