Section 7-301.1 - Central Maryland Regional Transit Plan(a) In this section, "core service area" means: (1) An area in Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Harford County, and Howard County that is served by light rail, metro, or fixed bus route service; and(2) As determined by the Department, any other area in which the population commutes to an area described in item (1) of this subsection in order to use light rail, metro, or fixed bus route service.(b) In addition to the requirements of §§ 7-301 and 7-302 of this subtitle, on or before October 1, 2020, the Administration shall, in consultation with the Central Maryland Regional Transit Plan Commission and the Baltimore Metropolitan Council, prepare a Central Maryland Regional Transit Plan to meet the transit needs of the core service area.(c) The Central Maryland Regional Transit Plan shall:(1) Define goals for outcomes to be achieved through the provision of public transportation;(2) In order to best achieve the goals defined in item (1) of this subsection, identify options for: (i) Improvements to existing transportation assets;(ii) Improvements to leverage non-Administration transportation options available to public transportation; and(iii) Corridors for new public transportation assets;(3) Prioritize corridors for planning of new public transportation assets;(4) Evaluate the Plan's consistency with local land use and transportation plans and the Maryland Transportation Plan and identify opportunities for achieving greater consistency;(5) Be reviewed, revised, and updated at least every 5 years; and(6) Address a 25-year time frame.(d)(1) There is a Central Maryland Regional Transit Plan Commission.(2) The Commission consists of the following members: (i) The County Executive of Anne Arundel County, or the County Executive's designee;(ii) The Mayor of Baltimore City, or the Mayor's designee;(iii) The County Executive of Baltimore County, or the County Executive's designee;(iv) The County Executive of Harford County, or the County Executive's designee;(v) The County Executive of Howard County, or the County Executive's designee;(vi) One representative from a Central Maryland business or transportation organization, appointed by the President of the Senate;(vii) One representative from a Central Maryland business or transportation organization, appointed by the Speaker of the House; and(viii) The following individuals appointed by the Governor:1. One representative from a Central Maryland business organization;2. One representative from the Citizen Advisory Council;3. One representative from a disabled riders group; and4. One representative from the MARC Riders Advisory Council.(3) The Commission shall participate in the development of:(i) A strategy for meaningful public involvement in the Central Maryland Regional Transit Plan; and(ii) The goals for outcomes of the Central Maryland Regional Transit Plan.Added by 2018 Md. Laws, Ch. 352,Sec. 3, eff. 6/1/2018.Added by 2018 Md. Laws, Ch. 351,Sec. 3, eff. 6/1/2018.