Section 8-1105.1 - Beach Erosion Control District(a) There is a Beach Erosion Control District, which consists of that land bordered on the north by the boundary line between the State of Maryland and the State of Delaware, bordered on the east by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, bordered on the south by the borderline between the State of Maryland and the Commonwealth of Virginia, and bordered on the west by a line which coincides, more or less, with the west crest of the existing natural dune on Assateague Island, and in Ocean City, is a mutually approved line to be known as the State-Ocean City building limit line which coincides, more or less, with the existing Ocean City building limit line and on occasion may coincide with the crest of the littoral system. The Department, after surveying, platting, and recording the State-Ocean City building limit line, has the authority to describe by regulation the State-Ocean City building limit line. The Department shall perform the survey, platting, and recording at its own expense within 30 days of July 1, 1975.(c) If the prohibitions imposed for the Beach Erosion Control District would constitute a taking of a property right without just compensation in violation of the Constitution of the United States or the Maryland Constitution, funds under Program Open Space may be used to purchase or otherwise pay for any property taken.(d) The provisions of this section are in addition to the provisions of §§ 8-1103 and 8-1104 of this subtitle.