Section 3-602 - Definitions(a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.(b) "Adjacent coastal state" means any coastal state which: (1) Would be connected directly by pipeline to a deepwater port, as proposed in an application;(2) Would be located within 15 miles of any proposed deepwater port; or(3) Is so designated by the federal Secretary in accordance with § 9(a)(2) of the federal act.(c) "Application" means any application submitted under the federal act for: (1) A license for the ownership, construction, and operation of a deepwater port;(2) Transfer of any license; or(3) Any substantial change in any of the conditions and provisions of any license.(d) "Coastal environment" means the State's navigable waters and the adjacent shorelines. The term includes transitional and intertidal areas, bays, lagoons, salt marshes, estuaries, and beaches and their fish, wildlife and other living resources, and the recreational and scenic values of the lands, waters and resources.(e) "Deepwater port" means any fixed or floating manmade structure other than a vessel, or any group of structures, located beyond territorial waters of a state and off the coast of the United States and which are used or intended for use as a port or terminal for the loading or unloading and further handling of hydrocarbons and their products for transportation to any state, except as otherwise provided in § 23 of the federal act. A deepwater port is a "new source" for purposes of the federal Clean Air Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.(f) "Federal act" means the federal Deepwater Port Act of 1974.(g) "Federal Secretary" means the Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation.(h) "Hydrocarbon" means petroleum, crude oil, any substance refined from petroleum or crude oil and natural gas.(i) "Marine environment" means the coastal environment, State waters of the contiguous zone, and State waters of the high seas; the fish, wildlife, and other living resources of the waters; and the recreational and scenic values of the waters and resources.