Subtitle 3 - LICENSING
- Section 5-301 - Licenses
- Section 5-302 - Qualifications of licensees
- Section 5-303 - Applications; applicants licensed in other states
- Section 5-304 - Passing score for examination
- Section 5-305 - Waiver of examination
- Section 5-306 - Issuance of license
- Section 5-307 - Authority of license
- Section 5-308 - Expiration of license
- Section 5-309 - Inactive status; reinstatement
- Section 5-310 - Production of license upon request; change of address
- Section 5-310.1 - Surrender or lapse of license pending investigation or charges
- Section 5-311 - Grounds for denial of license
- Section 5-311.1 - Penalties
- Section 5-312 - Hearing before Board
- Section 5-313 - Review
- Section 5-314 - Dietetic rehabilitation committees