Subtitle 2 - BALLOTS
- Section 9-201 - In general
- Section 9-202 - Responsibilities for preparation
- Section 9-203 - Standards
- Section 9-204 - Uniformity
- Section 9-205 - Content
- Section 9-206 - Arrangement - Format
- Section 9-207 - Ballots - Certification; display; printing
- Section 9-208 - Late changes in ballots
- Section 9-209 - Judicial review
- Section 9-210 - Arrangement of ballots - Candidates and offices
- Section 9-211 - Arrangement of ballots - Questions
- Section 9-212 - Ballots with multiple ballot faces - Instructions to voters
- Section 9-213 - Absentee and provisional ballots - Content
- Section 9-214 - Specimen ballots
- Section 9-215 - Printing
- Section 9-216 - Ballot accountability
- Section 9-217 - Prohibited practices