- Section 60-1-10 - Establishment of South Carolina State Library; State Library Board; appointment and terms of office of board members; vacancies
- Section 60-1-20 - Chairman and vice-chairman of board; other officers; board meetings; compensation of board members
- Section 60-1-30 - Director of State Library; qualifications; evaluation and term of office
- Section 60-1-40 - Duties and authority of board
- Section 60-1-50 - Duties of director
- Section 60-1-60 - Duties of State Library in executing library policy
- Section 60-1-70 - State Library to provide research services to General Assembly and others
- Section 60-1-80 - State Library to provide assistance to public libraries and county governments
- Section 60-1-90 - Administration of state and federal grants to public libraries; eligibility for grants
- Section 60-1-100 - Services of libraries open to public; fees for certain services; penalties
- Section 60-1-110 - State Library to assist libraries of state institutions
- Section 60-1-120 - Library services to be rendered to blind and physically handicapped readers
- Section 60-1-130 - State Library to promote cooperation among governmental bodies and libraries for the sharing of resources
- Section 60-1-140 - State Library to establish statewide library network
- Section 60-1-150 - Authority of public libraries to participate in statewide library network; authority of director to allow participation
- Section 60-1-160 - State Library to receive statistical reports from libraries
- Section 60-1-170 - Authority of director to cooperate with United States Department of Education and other agencies in the administration of funds